Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Flipping out

Greetings one and all. Once again we’re attempting something festive here. While we’re not drinking eggnog, eggs ARE involved, since this is a basic Flip. This recipe comes from the Waldorf Astoria Bar Book by Frank Caiafa, and couldn’t be any easier. It’s booze, an egg, and simple syrup. It helps that I have some leftover pine syrup from last week that I’ll be utilizing here to make it a little extra festive. ‘Tis the season right? Right. Let’s mix:

2oz. Spirit or fortified wine of your choice

1 Whole egg

.5 oz simple syrup (I used leftover pine syrup)

Add whole egg and syrup to mixing glass. Dry shake for 5 seconds. Add spirit or wine of choice and ice. Shake well for 10 seconds. Fine strain into a small wine glass or goblet. Garnish with freshly grated nutmeg. 

I forgot to get the book in the picture…

The nose is all nutmeg. Since that spice is the garnish its not surprising that is the case. Also, the surface tension doesn’t allow for the nutmeg to settle into the drink so it stays on top. Which, enhances the aroma and affects the flavor when taking a sip.

Speaking of sips, The first flavor that hits is the bourbon. Given that is the main ingredient by volume, it comes as no surprise the alcohol dominates. The bourbon flavor continues essentially unabated all the way through. About midway is when more of the nutmeg is finally able to cut through and make it’s flavor known. I suspect the extra thickness the egg provides helps the flavors linger a bit, as the viscosity coats your mouth and does not fade very quickly. The simple syrup is a definite background player. Even the pine flavor from the syrup I used is completely obscured.

I chose to make a bourbon flip, but you could add your base spirit of choice. The Waldorf book suggests sherry and rum as alternatives to the whiskey. I fully intend on trying both of those…for science of course.

The best way I can describe the flip is as cheater Eggnog. It is very reminiscent of the homemade eggnog I made last year, but not quite as rich. Despite it being less rich than eggnog. it’s still dessert in a glass for sure. Save this one for after dinner or by a fire.

(Banner image found here)

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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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[…] Around this time of year, I break out a basic flip and post about it here. I’ve done a bourbon one, and 2 years ago I did a rum version.  So, why mess with success and do yet another one! What I […]


Fortified wine? Pine syrup?




Boo, still no text in the Frinkiac images.


You have to re-host it externally

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Last edited 4 years ago by Unsurprised

This could work as an omelet replacement for breakfast. With unlimited mimosas.

Don T

My brain thinks “Do those tests actually work?”, but my heart says “EAT SHIT ‘There won’t be a season’ WHINERS!”
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Oh, they’re absolutely hiding results.


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Last edited 4 years ago by Unsurprised
Don T

I could make this, no egg yolk tho. Although my cocktail backlog is thick. I’ll check if the nearby booze emporium has apple brandy. Got a Zoom social call in the evening that may require lubrication.


I have a random one that seems perfectly cromulent.


I have a decent one from Copper & Kings that I picked up at my local BevMo.