Saturday Night Off-season Open Thread 17: The Copa Has Started!!


We just finished the battle for who has the best yellow, blue, and red flag between Ecuador and Venezuela. Colombia looks down on both of them.

This evening’s game features a Soon-To-Be- Disappointing Mexican team against Jamaica. I say Soon-To-Be because Jamaica is not good enough to embarrass México. I think.

I have been watching the Fox coverage in the office and I have to say I’m pretty happy to be able to watch some games on my TV screen as opposed to my phone. Yes, I have a TV in the office, do you not? It is so choice.


Golf Update

Today, I played in an “Away” tournament at a course about an hour from my house. I did not expect to play well because last night was a Hotel Night with Lady Balls.

Don’t cry for me, Argentina.


Fitness Update

I finished my sixth round of Iron Curtain training last week and tested myself. I got Personal Bests on Deadlift at 330 pounds, on Squats at 295 pounds, and on Bench at 220 pounds. That’s a total of 845 pounds!

I’ve started Round 7. Let’s see how far I can go!


Y’all ever taken a dookie so stinky you lit a match even though you are all by yourself? And have you had that match go out almost immediately? Like it met the smell and said, “Oh hell no!” and decided to put itself out of misery?

Yeah, me neither…

Completely unrelated, do you prefer wooden matches or paper matches? I really like the fancy steakhouse wooden matches but there is a lot more variety in the paper ones and you can write phone numbers on them.


As a quick reminder, the full Summer of Soccer schedule is below:


Your weekly Psych gif:


Your weekly hot girl pic:


Your weekly music video:


It’s all soccer nowadays. Enjoy the evening!

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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