Saturday Night Off-season Open Thread 18: The Euro Knockout Round Has Started!!

Don’t let it be said that I don’t listen. Last week, some people wanted me to change the banner image. I listened.

This may be taken as a passive-aggressive thing from me, but I assure you it’s not. It’s openly aggressive. Just to make it clear:


So, every Saturday, I’ll be posting a different pro-Trump pic just because I know it bothers you so.


Golf Update

Last week, I played in an “Away” tournament at a course about an hour from my house and it was really hot. I played okay but I think I must have drank two gallons of liquids and I was still tired.

I did get a Skin, so that got me some money and valuable points. I’m up to sixth in the overall standings.


Copa América

Argentina takes on Perú while Canadá plays Chile. Adjust your dinner plans accordingly.

My suggestion:

Appetizer = Argentinian empanadas

First Course = Lomo Saltado

Second Course = Chilean Sea Bass

Dessert = Maple Candy


Y’all know that Trump is getting reelected, right? The Republicans are playing this election exactly right. They’re putting out the (mostly fake) stories that Biden will be replaced on the ticket by Gavin Newsom knowing full well that:

  • Biden’s age and mental acuity constitute a gigantic red flag for non-Democrats.
  • México elected a woman president before the US (meaning Kamala is a liability as a running mate because the country would be voting for her by proxy and not enough people like her).
  • Gavin Newsom has ruined California and is extremely easy to attack.

The only real alternative is RFK Jr. and the media has split along Republican and Democrat lines. There is no independent media anymore. Therefore, RFK has no shot as the media will not give him the exposure needed to be a viable third candidate. They won’t even allow him to join in a debate!

And that’s not saying RFK is a GOOD alternative. It’s saying the media doesn’t want to promote ANY third party or ANY real competition to the status quo. The Republican and Democratic parties are too good for their bottom line. Fuck democracy, it’s about the dollars for the media.

Besides, the Trump Revenge Tour would be fascinating to watch.

Author’s Note: I wrote the above prior to the debate on Thursday. If the Democrats don’t replace Biden, they’ll not only lose the election, they won’t get a majority in either the House or the Senate for at least a decade.


As a quick reminder, the full Summer of Soccer schedule is below:


Your weekly Psych gif:


Your weekly hot girl pic:



Your weekly music video:


One last thing:

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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