Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Bare Minimum

Happy Friday and boy do I need it. I’ve been running point on a client audit of my company all week. That entails being on calls (and camera) from 7:30am until 330ish. Then doing more evidence gathering after the day’s calls are done. Suffice to say I’m beat. What does that mean to you all here this Friday morning? You’re getting the absolute bare minimum out of me this week. I do apologize for not having more in the tank but c’est la vie. I wanted, nay needed absolute simplicity this week and I thought of maybe doing a ti’ punch again but event that sounded like too much work. I instead went for a classic fallback: Whiskey and Lemon. Though I normally go with a rye in this situation, the only whiskey I have on hand is from a small batch distillery in Wells Maine. It’s their Double Malt and it is quite excellent if I do say so myself. So I added some lemon and went for it:


1 Lemon wedge

Add a large ice cube to a rocks glass. Pour in as much whiskey as you want. Squeeze the lemon and drop in. Enjoy

It’s whiskey. It’s lemon. It’s a match made in heaven after four days of hours and hours of teams calls and presentations. I enjoy this combination since lemon adds a nice depth to the already strong whiskey flavors. It’s simple and as I mentioned earlier, a standard for when I want something strong, but I’m feeling particularly lazy or tired and don’t want to expend a lot of energy on a drink.

That’s about it. Again, I wish I had more for you but this week just took it out of me. I’ll make it up to you next week. I promise.

(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)


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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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Horatio Cornblower

ESPN reporting that the Titans are considering keeping Malik Williams AND Mason Rudolph, something that will undoubtedly have Don T. reaching for a big ol’ bottle of whiskey, (rum), and a lemon, (lime).


You’re getting the absolute bare minimum out of me this week.

As opposed to RFK Jr, out of whom we’re getting the bear minimum.

Horatio Cornblower

Sharkbait, at the bar at the end of the week:

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Horatio Cornblower

That may be my favorite New Yorker cartoon of all time, although this one is right up there:

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Game Time Decision


Horatio Cornblower

That calls for two lemons!


No, cantaloupes!

(wait, what kind of celebration are we talking about again?)

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“The NFL and its team owners may be poised to make a major change to the sport’s ownership rules. The league has scheduled a special meeting for later this month at which the owners could vote to approve a plan that would allow investments in franchises by private equity firms.”

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Game Time Decision

cause nothing else has totally shit the bed when private equity gets involved

Horatio Cornblower

Jesus Christ, right?

End-stage capitalism absolutely blows goats. I wish I lived in the 50’s, back when the US was the only country not devastated by WWII, everyone’s standard of living was improving by leaps and bounds, the rich were taxed at realistic rates that allowed society to improve for all, and racial peace and harmony prevailed throughout the realm.

Hang on, getting something from my producer about that last part….


Ugh, after a week like that, you should feel proud that you went through the trouble of using a glass, ice and garnish.

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Keep the fruit.

Doktor Zymm

And sorry about all the calls, that sounds brutal

Horatio Cornblower

This is a fantastic joke.


Some JD Vance themed fantasy team names:

Futon Fondlers

Daybed Diddlers

Lounger Letharios

Sofa Spankers

Chesterfield Courtiers

Lazy-Boy Lovers


Davenport Dandies


Sectional Predators

Horatio Cornblower

Prolapsed Ottomans.


Loveseat Confessional


Here’s my alternative take on this: bourbon with lime

Follow the honoUrable Sharky’s assembly instructions and enjoy.

Doktor Zymm

I generally go with a lime and a wee dash of soda instead of ice, but would be interesting to see how much of a difference that makes side by side!


Perfect for a Friday after a rough week.
I’m getting a pizza, prochutto cotto and salami… because much like Sharkbait’s earned his simple drink… I’ve earned that.
