Like the Deserts Miss the Rain

There’s very little to be said when things take this long (gestures Sonofspamingly at my B Favre area). Oh and the trees in the back are dead. More on that later. Anyways, here’s the update on my irrigation water since our 7/9/2024 post. As you’ll recall, I had my work all done and then the feed pipe broke under my neighbor’s driveway during the test irrigation run back in, what, May?

Neighbors Driveway Repair at Pipe Failure

No real good stories to this stuff other than, never in a million years would I have guessed that the system pipe would fail under the only lot between me and the standpipe. So we’re always learning. I don’t have any photos of the work because I had stuff to do that day. Best I understand, there was an old repair that failed and, I don’t know, it’s not on my property and it’s fixed — who cares?

So we got on for the water delivery in mid-August.

I fucked up though and had a miscommunication regarding the wall blaxito stands before. That’s sump block I wanted to keep exposed but they stucco’d and painted. And put in a black gate (wtf?).

And it went off beautifully. The pipe fix under my neighbor’s driveway held — which is was important to water utility in order to, you know, keep getting water. Valve rotation was really nice too. Just a feel-good kind of experience.

Football related because even the points furthest away got successfully wet. Wet like Christian McCaffrey (Q – Achilles Tendinitis)’s vagina.

Front yard got a good drink (as my mom would say after leaving me to water her plants when I wasn’t a reliable option to water the plants but that’s before they had those glass bulbs that do it) and is also one deep bitch.

So it would seem we did well. Almost….too well, some people might say….

I told blaxito not to let the water breach the yard!

Too well enough that we also flooded the street. As shown above, the dirt berm wasn’t high enough so the water level breached the front yard onto my driveway — which is about the only thing I’m not allowed to with the water (waste/release it onto public right of way). No big deal. Just called the dude back out, showed him these images, and they rolled out with a pickup full of dirt, about three sprinkler risers, and a tamper to repair the berm.

It’s two weeks between water deliveries in the summer so you get the repair done then wait twelve days. Well, I got no passion, I got no patience and I hate waitin’1 so I went to Hawaii and surfed.

Could not surf. Got Giardia when I fell.

And it worked. So the irrigation is fixed and functional. I’ve been taking water on schedule because, (1) I paid for it; (2) it’s my right; (3) the soil is super dry and super caliche (expansive clays with high limestone content) so it’s sucking down the water and cools the property decently for a couple full days afterwards; and (4) we switch to once-a-month through the winter so everybody getting ready with a good drink.

Now these trees are dead. Basically everything in the back. If you had asked me, they were probably good as dead the day that first irrigation delivery busted the pipe and shut down the primary water source for these newly-transplanted trees back in May, before another record summer gripped the Valley of the Sun.

But it turns out the nursery dude was like, “well, I mean, quite a few factors went into these trees dying.2 But if you look down here by the base, they got some infection at the nursery so they’re gonna die within 16 months anyways and you’re in 90 day warranty.” Which I thought was fucking crazy but I imagine selling trees to people in May is kind of setting yourself up for this bullshit3. I’m sure it’s worked into the price or whatever I don’t care. But I will say good things about you in an anonymous review on the internet, if that’s what you want, tree guy.

My tree guy seems to be pretty reasonable and wisely offered to schedule a couple follow up visits to see how the next batch does. Those don’t come for another month and weather is just now heading under 100 so I’m sort of just letting whatever grow. It’s too late in the summer to do summer Saint Augustine and too early to seed or sod for winters perennial ryegrass. So even when everything is fixed, we’re still in waiting mode.

So sounds like something different by end of October.


i Ho, get your a** in
2 Even stupid people understand trees need water in summer.
3 Seems to reason I should have made sure the irrigation works before ever receiving the trees too. I assumed the system would work and took the trees before water. Now I’m sitting here in late summer taking water to a lot with dead trees and no grass. Why didn’t I just take a delivery in early April when I had no trees and no grass? I’m seeing now that this was such a self-inflicted kill-shot to all this. Just something that Bill Belichik would have never been unprepared for. Bill would have called the irrigation utility out at every single stage of the process that didn’t concern them just to make sure that they didn’t say stop and, when the time came, we could cheat everything and come out victorious. Instead, I have a dumb yellow pencil in my beard.

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I sat on a jury years ago, 2nd degree attempted murder case. One day the defendant wore sneakers with his suit to court. It was that day I knew he was guilty.
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Can you explain to the peoples the purpose of painting the tree white?

I know because apparently there’s a law in México that mandates every tree to be painted white (may not be true) but I’m not sure everyone else does.


We did it to keep the deer, rabbits, and other gnawers from eating our just planted trees. Unlike certain NFL players, even the wildlife knows better than to eat paint chips. Is there another reason to do it?


It actually protects the trees. They can essentially get sunburned.


Don’t think that was a problem we had to deal with in the Apalachin mtns, actually since it rained so damn much, they were more likely to drown for us.

yeah right

This Man City v Inter Milan has been a cracker of a Shempions league match.

It’s the only live sport on the tele but very entertaining.

Mr. Ayo

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yeah right

Your yard is a land of contrasts.


I thought he was going to try and grow some rice or something.


Perfectly cromulent, perfectly sustainable desert crop.


I did not say it was a good idea….


The farmers of California think it is.


I just glimpsed something black flash by in the corner of my vision; I have no idea what it actually was but my best guess is that I have been possessed by the spirit of Hunter S. Thompson.

yeah right

You may be in bat country.


One night the wife and I kept seeing flashes of black out of the corner of our eyes or the lights would dim for a second. And until she said something, I was worried I was having some kind of flashback. She thought she was finally losing her mind like her mom. Glad we talked and found out it was group hallucination. We figured it was a bird and opened the front door. Did it leave? No. We looked, could not find it and decided to go to bed. Where upon laying down I heard a clicking noise and as I looked up at the ceiling, there was a bat flying around. I was able to throw a shirt over it and take it outside.


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Nope, we weren’t in bat country, the bat was in A&H country!


Local food is pretty unique… and sensational.


you sure that is not one of YR’s photos?

yeah right

Different land but here’s one.

yeah right

So many tourists.


Is that Giants Causeway or some different basalt weirdness?

yeah right

Giants Causeway. They don’t mention the walk down or the mile walk back straight uphill but there is a bus that will take you each way at a pound per person.

Watch your step.

Says the guy with a brand new limp.


They charge you by weight? I am boned, well of course I’m boned or I would not be able to stand or breathe. I wonder if deboning a person is hard to do. I wonder if there are instruction s on how to do it, or maybe Scotchy can enlighten me.


On a scale of Spiccoli to Willie Nelson, how high are you right now?


Let’s go to Luckenbach Texas with Waylon and Willie and the Boys….


ain’t nobody feelin’ no pain.


You know you can’t sing when even the rabbits run and hide when I start a song.


Nice reference! Love that song.

yeah right

And that would be Scotland in the distance.


That’s just awesome – so happy you’re getting to do this!

yeah right

It’s been life changing. The last couple of days in Belfast we had a house rental so Eldest right, TAJ and I had family time rather than locking ourselves in a hotel room.

I totally fucking dig “Pub Life” and it’s right there with the cafe lifestyle in awesomeness.

Ready for next.


I knew you guys would love it!


A bit of Ireland in Croatia.

yeah right

Slainte my friend!


At this point I feel like the Chiefs should just go ahead and have Super Bowl rings made for all the referee crews that have worked their games in the last couple of years.


Holy shit, *more* explosions? If I were in Hezbollah I wouldn’t even trust a tin can and a string for communications at this point.


I think it’s time to call it a draw and stop messing with Israel.


I mean yeah, with most of Hezbollah looking like this right now it makes sense they would want to call it a draw.

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You got the reference! Five internet dollars to you!


Makes you wonder how a country that can come up with an incredibly successful covert operation like this managed to miss hundreds of people breaching their border and killing/ capturing over 1200 people.


The cynical bastard in me is thinking you can’t have a war without casus belli, but that would make no sense as that would guarantee the government in power would get voted out once the war is over.

The realist bastard in me is thinking it shows the difference between the two’s methods. Israel is precise like a scalpel; Hezbollah is rough like a chainsaw.




Benny Nat isn’t near as brilliant the tactician or strategist he thinks he is.


It was partially the tunnel network that allowed them to get so close if not actually enter. I had heard that there was some possible sabotage, but that was on the internet, so take it with a Great Salt Lakes worth of salt.

King Hippo

Blax is On To Cincinnati


(thousand-yard stare as traumatic memories of that Patriot Way Bitchslapping resurfaces)

Game Time Decision

 too early to seed or sod for winters perennial ryegrass

blax turned into Jeremy Clarkson’s farm so slowly that I didn’t notice


If I drive out in December I’ll bring you a nice passionfruit vine which should grow beautifully all winter and then up and die once the temperature gets above 100°.


That is wild man. I hope things get back to normal soon.

In Zagreb they still have a literal gas lighter in the old city.

Horatio Cornblower

Somewhat related, we have to call our siding guys back out here because we use window unit ACs, and when I took the downstairs one out this weekend I discovered that, unlike every other window, they sided over the area that we need to fit the storm screens in, and now I can’t put the screens back in, which means I can’t open the window unless I want every bug in Eastern CT to come in and make itself at home, and also I can’t keep water off the interior wood frames, which is not a good combination.

Also there’s a movement to buy out one of our neighbors because he’s storing chicken shit on his property, allegedly to use as fertilizer, (which chicken shit is great for), but in we all know that he’s really doing it because the State changed the law and now he can’t let his cattle roam all over the place without incurring like $900 a day in fines, and the neighbors on the other side called him out for violating the terms of his gravel operation permit and now he has to pay a significant amount of money to rebuild a barrier he dug out and replace all the trees he killed.


Blax living on the Arizona Bayou? Now this is how I imagine him:

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It’s a shame the Channaissance didn’t involve better movies.