Wednesday morning Postage Due post

Good morning all.

Due to a lack of regular Wednesday AM postage, I am here to step into the empty void and bring you a little bit of…absolutely nothing.

If you’re interested in being featured in a regular Wednesday post please feel free to let us know in the comments.

So.  In the meantime let us know how your summer vacation went. (Ireland was fucking incredible.) Also be sure to let us know if you’re already planning a spring trip – why yes I am. See you in Toronto in April!

Or just feel free to shoot the shit, spout off about work or let us know how life in general is. Hang on. I need a drink of my breakfast smoothie and a bite of toast. You see, I’m putting this together less than 45 minutes before my ass heads out the door for just another Wednesday commute up the 110 to the 405 and to work.


See, if I can knock out something this random in just a few minutes, surely we can find someone out there to write a weekly Wednesday dealie right? Of course you can and just think how semi famous it can make you!

And there is the needed 200 words.

Type away folks. I’ve got to brush my teeth and head to work.


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yeah right
yeah right is a fully vaccinated lifelong Vikings fan, food guru and LA Harbor resident with a black belt in profanity.
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King Hippo

Today, I delayed #4thFIRSTPill until 12:09p. Why such reckless behavioUr??

Budgeting is well-important to make sure I can get through TNF.

Last edited 11 hours ago by King Hippo

Today is Wednesday, my darling confused Hippo!

King Hippo

Yes, I want to be able to save a bonus FOAR tomorrow. Sorry, me no make much with the sense.

Tomorrow is voting day, too!


The only reason I know it’s Wednesday is because the pain mgt people only call on Wednesdays. Otherwise, I never know other than it’s probably a day that ends in “day”. Yay for voting! Did you see the massive turnout Georgia had yesterday? I’m feeling a spark of hope!

Game Time Decision

with Monday being a holiday up in the main level of North America, I think today’s Tuesday.
/easily confused


I got Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day off for the first time in my professional life ever this week, and I’ve been working for 40 years.


SpongeBob Narrator Voice: “Seventeen Hour Later…”


We had the monthly call with Gumby’s pain management team. They are the nicest people in the world. The call goes something like this: Them-How’s it
going ? Do you need more morphine? Us- Yes please. Thanks! Them- On it’s way! Call if you need anything else.

This is the way it should be for everyone with cancer, but I suspect it’s not.


Vacation was at Outer Banks. Our original rental was cancelled because the house that was two houses down was washed away. The new house was okay, not great. The vacation involved more lugging shit through fluffy sand than I particularly like. My next Outer Banks vacation we’re renting a 4WD truck/SUV/whatever and driving straight to where we’re sitting on the beach.

The Shibumi Shade is the greatest thing for Outer Banks vacations ever. If you spend a lot of beach time on windy beaches it’s great.

Today’s news: The Kroger ad for the Skyline ice cream was a leak on Kroger’s part. No ice cream has been made yet. Sources I have in Big Ice Cream were aware of it as a product, but were keeping it under wraps. According to my daughter, JD Vance says that he’s going to pass a law banning disgusting ice cream I guess.

And I think I either broke or severely sprained my big toe Monday. It’s a lovely shade of purple. I stepped in an drainage tile inlet. I had to go fix the invisible fence, and my wife told me, “The original wire break is right by that pipe thing out in the yard.” Found it. To paraphrase Mel Brooks, tragedy is when I break my big toe, comedy is where you fall into an open sewer and die.


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Senor Weaselo

“Fastest time wins. Your time starts now.”


I would love — nay, relish — to do a weekly recap of my weirdest call at work. However, there are legal and moral quandaries to this.

I think it would be interesting reading, and a little peak into the world of this. Maybe I could write blurb and tack it onto a bigger post if it’s a slow week? I’ve been kicking this around for a bit, but there are several potentialities that could prevent a full post each week. Just a concept of a plan I have. Thoughts?


Love the idea, but agree that it could be dicey, especially on the off-chance the party involved reads this. We have a readership in the billions.


I hope you are keeping a log.


I spent two weeks on Grand Jury duty here in Franklin Co., a county big enough to occupy a Grand Jury five days a week. Some of the crime was hilarious, and some made you think that humanity is a layer of scum infesting the planet. My personal favorite cases:

  • Guy filled a shopping cart with $1000 worth of meat and walked out the door with it. Grand Larceny,
  • Guy smacked his wife around. Her mom and stepdad stuffed him into the trunk of their car at gunpoint, took him out to the sticks and beat the shit out of him. Then dumped him in the ditch a quarter mile from the hospital. We voted to prosecute mom and stepdad, but we all thought wife beater deserved the beating.
  • An architecture firm was wondering why their stack of cash seemed a little short. It turned out that they gave the bookkeeper/secretary signature authority on their bank accounts. When the cops started looking they found out that the secretary, her husband, her daughter, and her daughter’s boyfriend all had new cars, and they were getting an inground pool installed.
  • This in mid February. Guy called the cops because someone broke into his house and stole his stereo. Cops followed the tracks in the snow to the thief’s house.
  • In the “do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life” department, we had the resident Ohio government expert on odometer fraud give us a half-hour presentation on the tons of ways you can roll back odometers. That dude was into it! Evidently the simplest ways involves leaving the speedometer cable connected to a running power drill and letting it roll over.

Down in Clermont Co., OH, besides Drug Busts, Meth Labs, we had one assault, one vehicular manslaughter DUI, one child abuse (won’t go into details).

But my favorite was one guy got fired, so he stole his boss’s car (grand theft auto), crashed it (vehicular assault, destruction of private property), carjacked someone (kidnapping, grand theft auto), crashed into a car 50 feet later (vehicular assault, destruction of private property), ran away (leaving scene of accident), was detained (assault). Police showed up and cuffed him, but as the police was dealing with the scene, he snuck out of the police car (resisting arrest, escaping), got in another car (grand theft auto), crashed that car 200 feet away (destruction of private property), limped out of the car and started running towards a school bus filled with elementary school kids (attempted kidnapping of minors) before he was caught.

That was one interesting afternoon.


I would have let the mother and stepfather walk


Don’t commit yourself to any kind of structure that will even threaten those professional lines.

Unless you cover the Tua death call.


You mean his 84th back injury?




I’m going to try for Toronto in April. That would be a great time. Can’t remember when they have tier Carnival but it was a great time.

Game Time Decision

Down for Toronto in April. If I leave now, I’ll only be 30 or so minutes late due to traffic and construction.


Fugitive from tax day?


I can make the Fantasy Football rundown a weekly thing to run Wednesdays if that helps?

Game Time Decision



Well since we are filling time here, some old time for the boys…


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