TGIF! And Happy Pi Day! Eat some pie today.
Survival – Personal Edition
Doing some traveling? Here’s some tips to bribe customs officials.
- If you’re being hassled, stay calm and aloof. Determine if there’s an actual problem or the official is just looking for some unofficial compensation.
- Never overtly offer a bribe. For one, the official might now be looking for a bride, and two, that could get you into even more trouble.
- If you’re accused of something, ask to pay a fine on the spot. Explain that you don’t want to deal with mail or go to another location because you’re afraid the payment will go missing, and by paying here you know it’ll go to the correct person.
- Deal with only one official, and make sure it’s the one in charge. If you bribe a junior official the one in charge is going to want a bigger payout.
- Offer to make a donation to the official’s organization. Explain you want to help them out with their expenses.
- Not carrying cash or want to hold onto it? Be prepared to deal some goods instead. Watches, cameras, electronics, even alcohol.
- Remember to not carry more cash than you’re willing to pay. If you peel a few bills off a wad, they’re going to want more. Hide the rest of your cash elsewhere.
And just like that, you’re back on your way!
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Survival – Species Edition
Time to put the sexy in Friday!
Enjoy the weekend, folks! Alright, now let’s get to the comments!