5 October 2024 – a JV NFL Eveninging

Did you enjoy the early happenings?  I sure nuff did.  Or maybe I didn’t.  I am writing this Friday afternoon.

Clemson (-14.5) at Florida State (7:00, ESPN)

This could be interesting, if the Semenholes had a quartered back.  But they don’t even have the well-below-cromulent DJ Ukelele no MOAR.  They’s right fucked.

Tennessee (-13.5) at Arkansas (7:30, ABC)

I don’t exactly smell upset, but this is a tricky matchup.  Pig Sooey will at least make you work for it this year (PHRASING), and the Vols are inconsistent offensively.  So long as they aren’t playing a MAC school.  Or…SIGH…NC State.

Michigan (+1.5) at Washington (7:30, NBC)

One of these weeks, the wheels are gonna fall off of the Michigan jalopy.  Hippo predicts it happens in Seattle, tonight.  Watch and rejoice.

Kansas (+2.5) at Arizona State (8:00, ESPN2)

I am not saying that I highlighted this just FOAR the cheerleaders.  It’s a rare afternoon kickoff in Tempe, the coeds will be scantily clad as well.

Miami-FL (-10) at California (10:30, ESPN)

You know this matchup, and the Golden Shower Bears in general, will only disappoint here.  Which is too bad, because humanity doesn’t need this Hurricanes boomlet.  QB Cam Ward is legit, though.

Guns Up!! (+6.5) at Arizona (11:00, Fox)

Late night with the Fightin’ Blax!  Don’t mind if’n ah do.  This has all the hallmarks of chaotic, late night PAC-tion, just without the conference affiliation.

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King Hippo
Reclusive, vulgar Broncos fan. Also a proud fookin' Evertonian. Likely dropped on my head repeatedly as a small child. [Insert George Carlin quote followed by thoughtful nod.]
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Senor Weaselo

This will be solved with fewer conferences.


Fewer, larger conferences, broken down into smaller “divisions” that the winner of each season will play in a championship game to determine the winner…

Oh, wait…


Today would have been so much fun if last year’s BCS travesty hadn’t been the final nail in the coffin of my interest in college football as a competitive endeavor.