Snaxx Special Balls Episode – Viva Canadá

Today, we are back with another installment of Snaxx! This one, however, is a little bit different as your friendly neighborhood Balls is writing. Your regular Snaxx expert, Mr. Litre_cola, though, is very much involved. About a week ago, Mr. Litre notified me of the existence of a spicy tamarind-flavoured

Global Snaxx 9 – now with Kommentist participation!

Let's spin the globe again! If you are looking for past episodes check the sidebar!   Korea Takoyaki Ball Snack (translation on back)   Hooo boy, here we go again. I love octopus in most of it's forms, in Greece I lived off the stuff like pizza  in Italy. I have had Takoyaki a few times

Global Snaxx Edition 6 – SexiMexi Edition! and Sunday morning futbol open thread.

Good day to you all, hope you are safe, healthy and doing alright. If you missed the first spins around the globe here are the links. Edition 1 Edition 2  Edition 3 Edition 4 Edition 5 This one took a lot of trust as I was mailed a second package from the illustrious BallsofSteelandFury. The first attempt
