INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY We join our regularly scheduled programming already in progress... DREW BREES: ...and then Marques says "that's not a snake, that's Junior Galette's belt!" PRODUCER: Ha ha ha ha ha! DREW: Ha ha ha ha ha! DJ 3000: HA HA HA HA HA! PRODUCER: Great story, Drew. I have to say, being
Author: Rikki-Tikki-Deadly
Request Line: Potent Potables
Request Line: Indecision
Request Line: Dude.
Request Line: Misters and Mistresses
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The studio sits empty. The PRODUCER is nowhere to be seen. DJ 3000: [sighs] DJ 3000: [to database] <?php $potential_topics = mysql_query("SELECT topic FROM request_line_database WHERE published = 'false'"); if (!$potential_topics) { echo 'Could not run query: ' . mysql_error(); exit; } $topic_array = best($potential_topics); echo $topic_array[0] ?> DJ 3000: NO, I KNOW HE'S SAVING THAT ONE FOR WHEN HE ACTUALLY HAS HIS SHIT TOGETHER ENOUGH TO INTRODUCE IT PROPERLY. DJ 3000:
DFO Radio: Backlog
The content monster has been pawing at my leg all morning, but all I've got for it is some music. Hope this fills the void for you, little fella. [rubs content monster's belly] --- a short time later --- Passersby were amazed at the unusually large amounts of blood. Passersby were amazed at the unusually large
Request Line: The Domain of the Land Baron
INT. HOME OFFICE - DAY An incredibly handsome internet writer sits staring blankly at a spreadsheet of potential Request Line topics. --- [imaginary door in his mind flies open] --- BRITTFAR: Howdy! RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: Oh. It's you. BRITTFAR: I can't help but notice you hunting for a Request Line topic this week. RTD: I guess. It's not
Request Line: This Suit Burns Better – Look!
Request Line: Speed
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY? OR MAYBE NIGHT? IT ALL SEEMS TO BE BLENDING TOGETHER WHEN YOU DON'T GO OUTSIDE ANYMORE. The PRODUCER is at the control panel, having an animated conversation with...someone inside the recording booth. DJ 3000 looks on in concern, because the recording booth appears to be empty. PRODUCER:
Request Line: Gardening
Request Line: Loneliness
Request Line: Unauthorized Covers
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The PRODUCER is stretched out on the studio couch, eyes glazed, staring at DJ 3000's display screen. DJ 3000: ARE YOU STILL WATCHING? PRODUCER: [blinks sleepily] Huh? Oh, right. Yeah, I'm still watching. DJ 3000: PREVIOUSLY, ON GREY'S ANATOMY... PRODUCER: You know what? Let's put a pin in it for