Commentist Beer Barrel: Alternatives

This year's Oktoberfest opened in Bavaria just about two weeks ago. Most of Oktoberfest every year takes place in September, just like you'd expect, and it coincides nicely with the start of fall in most parts of the Northern Hemisphere that aren't the burning hellscape of Central Texas. Here, daily highs

Commentist Beer Barrel: On the Value of Changing Your Mind

"We'll be last brewery in the US to use aluminum cans," Lagunitas founder Tony Maguire tweeted in 2012. Maguire was shocked by the excesses of the aluminum industry, an earth-destroying enterprise preying on developing economies and potentially displacing good, sustainable, silica-based manufacturing of glass beer vessels. Or that's what it

Commentist Beer Barrel: Nora Brought Out The Brandy

To me, the best consequence of the saturation of the craft beer market over the last seven or so years with beers aged in whiskey barrels has been the saturation of the craft beer market with beers aged in whiskey barrels. Whiskey barrels—specifically American bourbon barrels—are, in my opinion, the best

Commentist Beer Barrel: Skål!

Denmark got a big Olympic win today, overcoming France for the gold medal in handball. I thought about burying the lede on this, in case any Commentists log onto the site while desperately avoiding Olympic handball spoilers, but... look, I just didn't think that was very likely, y'know? I'll apologize

Commentist Beer Barrel: It’s A Trappist!

On spring break, in 2007, in a hidden-away bar in Brussels, there was a college junior, sitting with a group of new friends, listening attentively to the server's descriptions of the classic Belgian beers on offer. He didn't especially understand the descriptions, so he did what any college junior with no

Commentist Beer Barrel: You Know Who I Like, Is That Pickle Stork

Pickles are a great, great food. On their own, they're a fantastic low-calorie snack, sharp and bright and zesty and satisfying. They're also a great ingredient, perfect in, say, yeah right's Cubano sandwich. I even once had them on a Cubano-inspired pizza, and why on earth are you talking about pickles in a

Commentist Beer Barrel: Cocktail Hour

If there's any one trend in beer that I've been especially hesitant to adopt, it's the beer cocktail. When I want a beer, I just want a beer, not two or more beers mixed together. I want to drink the thing that a brewery carefully crafted, put its heart ans soul

Commentist Beer Barrel: Coffeebeernerdness Reloaded

It's another hot one. We're slated for a high of 102 here in Austin, and as longtime readers of the Beer Barrel will know, when the weather gets hot, I switch to lighter, crisper beers. Sorry, that's wrong. That's the exact opposite of what happens. You'll have to excuse me. I've