BattleBots Beat: Your New Champion Is…

Welcome back to the Beat! The recap this morning is a pretty simple premise: Eight robots, seven fights, one champion. So with that, let's get started. 5. Black Dragon vs. 20. RibbotRecords don't matter now anyway, it's the final 8 bots. And one of these bots you could totally have expected to

BattleBots Beat: Start Your Arguments!

Welcome back to the Beat! It's the last midnight Fight Night of the (technically) 2020 season, and with it the 32-bot bracket will be revealed following the conclusion. Will there be seeding complaints? Undoubtedly! Who's in and out complaints? Probably! Will we know? Not until the end, so onto the

BattleBots Beat: Cue Lazer Light Show! Catscratch was an underrated show and deserved more than one season. DON'T AT ME. (Unfortunately Doug TenNapel… yeah.) Welcome back to the Beat! Last time, there was salt, and anger, and arguably the worst win of the season, by a bot that I currently have as a top 3 seed! The