Sunday Gravy with yeah right: A quick trip to Thailand. Yellow Curry and Thai Green Beans

Good morning everyone,Happy Memorial day weekend. Sports wise today we've got a promotion to the Premier League play in game and in the NBA we've got a game 7 where the winner gets the ignominious glory of getting their asses kicked by Golden State in the finals. If you're a sports

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: After School Special! Banana Cream Pie!

Welcome, welcome everyone. [last minute edit] [takes another deep breath] Welcome back to Sunday Gravy. A few weeks back our very own Brick Meathook entertained us all with photos of banana cream pie that he sampled from a variety of LA institutions. L.A is actually fairly well known for it's pies as well as it's

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: A Bachelors Guide to Corned Beef

Hola everyone! Welcome back to Gravy Time. I'm your humble narrator yeah right bringing you all of todays hottest hits! We've got game 7's aplenty this weekend between the NHL and the NBA so plenty-o-shit to keep you entertained this weekend. Plus you can now peruse your favorite NFL teams schedule for

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Sous Vide Round Two – Now We’re Talking!

Good morning everyone and happy Mother's Day to you moms out there. Mother's Day to me is simply a reminder that yes, my mother is still dead so please don't ask me if I called my mom on Mother's Day, OK? Good. Of course I will wish both of my daughters a happy

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: A New Toy! Let’s Play!

Good morning all! Nice to have you all back. The draft has now wrapped up and unlike the rest of the goddamn internet I don't do the draft projection thing because you need a good 3 years to figure out if these picks are worth a diddly shit. Example: last year my team

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Final Vegetarian soup – Southwest Style!

Good morning folks! Before we get the party started I wanted to thank everyone for their kind words and condolences last week after the "former missus" passed away. You helped me immensely. I honestly think that I was able to relay some of the love and support you all provided and