Commentist Beer Barrel: Winter Is Yummy

Winter is the best season for drinking, as everyone knows. In the winter, whether you favor wine, spirits, or beer, you can drink any of the things you normally like to drink, which by default makes it no worse than any other season. But! On top of that, you’ll spend whole weekends eating rich and hearty foods that fairly demand you pair them with your richest and heartiest red wines, whiskeys, ciders, eggnogs. You can snuggle into one or two or six of your warmest and softest blankets in the evening and drink hard beverages purpose-built not just to make you feel warmer, but to make you actually warmer; hot toddies, mulled wines, a billion boozy variations on hot chocolate and hot coffee. And the beers! Oh, the beers you’ll drink this winter!

I’ve never been able to get any commercial brewer to admit to this, but I know in my heart and my liver that it’s true: Breweries release their finest brews in the winter and slack off the whole rest of the year. Winter brings us imperial stouts, barleywines, old ales, and coffee beers en masse. Pumpkin beers finally get the fuck off the shelves. Sierra Nevada releases Celebration, the beer I look forward to more than any other seasonal every year. Anchor Brewing drops Our Special Ale, a winter warmer that’s always comfortingly familiar despite using a new recipe every year, and they sell some of it in great big bottles that you can drink on your own or share with, like, eight people, depending on how thirsty and how sociable you’re feeling. And Lagunitas Brewing of Petaluma, California puts out one of the quintessential holiday malt bombs, Brown Shugga’; except for that one year they didn’t.

In 2011, Lagunitas hit a snag in preparing to brew their usual holiday ale. Apparently they’d allocated a lot of tank space to meet demand for their IPA and Pils, counting on the delivery of new brewhouse equipment that didn’t quite show up on time. Or something. My research budget ran out before I could confirm the details. At any rate, on realizing they couldn’t possibly brew a batch of Brown Shugga’, which takes its good sweet time aging, they did the only thing they could do: They brewed a quick and dirty IPA, labeled it Lagunitas Sucks as an abject apology, got instant rave reviews for it, and quickly committed to selling it year-round, proving that even winter IPAs are the best IPAs. I almost reviewed Lagunitas Sucks today, but I wanted to drink Brown Shugga’ more. It’s nice to have the choice again.

Now, in the course of writing the early part of this review, I had the idea to try something I’ve never done before: Drink a beer hot, like a mulled wine. And… okay, I just said “in the course of writing the early part of this review,” but the truth is that before I got started, lady snow heated up some Pedernales Glögg with raisins and almonds in it, and it was delicious, maybe even more delicious than Pedernales Glögg is at room temperature, that’s really what gave me the idea. But anyway, I put four ounces of Brown Shugga’ in a measuring glass and heated it in my microwave, then poured it into a snifter. I did this before drinking the beer in the usual fashion, because I didn’t want to end on a low note if it went wrong, but let me tell you: It went way wronger than I ever imagined it would. It tasted like a double vodka and hot garbage. I couldn’t even bring myself to buttchug it. I dumped that shit straight down the drain. Life is too short.

Served at something like the proper temperature, though, Brown Shugga’ is a sweet, spicy, and boozy treat. It has its origins in a “ruined” batch of Lagunitas Gnarleywine to which the brewers added a whole bunch of literal brown sugar—at Lagunitas, delicious fuckup begets delicious fuckup on and on and ad infinitum, and after the experimental first batch, popular demand dictated that Brown Shugga’ would return annually. Now, just about every Lagunitas brew has some noticeable hop character, and Brown Shugga’ is not an exception. Here, the hops are more herbal than anything, medicinal even, tempering what would otherwise probably be a cloyingly sweet malt base. At 9.8%, this is probably not the easiest of sippers, but this is the season to drink slowly, because it’s the season to drink some strong, sweet shit and drink it all day. Cheers, Commentists.

lady snow says: [napping]

Grade: This is really good. There are also a lot of winter beers I like more than this, but this may be the most winter beer. Get this when your heater’s out and you can hide under a thick blanket and set a six-pack on your coffee table and drink all six without getting up and call into work the next morning.

make it snow is an alot of beer who has tried more than 2,000 different beers in his life and can finally prove it. He poured two bottles of Brown Shugga’, ruined a third of a bottle in the microwave, and drank the rest. He hasn’t stopped drinking yet. Follow him on Untappd! He goes by pivonaut there.

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make it snow is an alot of beer. He is also a Broncos fan living in Denver.
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Brick Meathook

“Pumpkin beers finally get the fuck off the shelves.”

I could not agree with this more. Fuck you pumpkin. Go back to your shitty pies and even shittier breads and stop overtaking the beer shelves.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I like pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, etc., but it is a waste of beer shelf space. Beer shelf space needs to be devoted to beers I like.

P.S. I listed some beers you may like in the Sexy Friday post.


I’ll have to try and remember to check from home. Can’t really do Sexy Friday from work.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

There is a lot of tunes for somebody’s enjoyment. I better get out before the Hypnotoad Men get me.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I think it turns out the best when you either enjoy or find the experience interesting. That is why I think a Star Date X; going to a local brewery and trying flights, or full beers for those with young livers. Maybe writing “live”, maybe take note and put them together later. I like that you get the little woman’s input.


Pretty much what Moose said; a review written for the purposes of just reviewing booze seems to fly in the face of what we do here: write about things we find enjoyable (or frustrating, or, as in the case of the footed ball, our generally unifying interest, both). People can always throw in a recommendation, but if you go and find a keg that you like and tell us about it, the read’s usually worth the time. Even if we can’t find it ourselves, it’s fun to hear about these things, and then find equivalent beers from our own local breweries.

But I could be wrong.


What both Moose and entropy said. Write about what you like.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

I can do the Relatively Mainstream Beat if you want to focus on the Commentist Connesieur Collection.

“No sweetie, I’m drinking this for the site. No, seriously, the site didn’t believe my last review of this one, so I have to down another six-pack. I’M PRO-CONSUMER, DAMMIT!”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I’m kidding; don’t listen to that; it is terrible.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Also kidding; this one is even worse.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh
Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Another way is to have several beer snob friends over and get their thoughts. I sorta did that with the bombers but was in no way to do a proper review.


Batman is looking for his Bat Shark Repellent.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh



Okay, so I just watched the “LCD Soundsystem” episode of You’re The Worst and, goddamn, that is good TV.


I really enjoy YtW; I feel that it’s a very honest look at modern dating and such without being too condescending or admiring, and their attempt at portraying depression is an informed one, at least. The episode you mention, however…. damn. That was some kind of rough to watch. I just felt awful for Gretchen by the end, an outcome I was not expecting after she essentially stalked these people for 14 minutes of the episode.


You’re The Worst gets LA so right, it’s scary.


Really, really like that show. I don’t know how the same network that thought giving Charlie Sheen another show was a good idea has also managed to turn out so much incredible television.


I just saw this at the bar last night, and was curious. Now that I’ve read the review, I will have to try it next time I wander into that particular dive.


Little sweet for me. I request more Texas beer reviews. San Diego is a DFO favorite, but it is like PK heaping praise on Favrvrve at this point.

This is a selfish request as I am going to Austin after Christmas so I need good recommendations. Keep up the good work!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I put some local for us reviews on Sexy Friday if you are interested.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

“San Diego is a DFO favorite, but it is like PK heaping praise on Favrvrve at this point.” Complete exaggeration and false equivalency with an insult will not help your cause.


Fuck yeah. All those things. You’ve read my comments before, right?

Totally agree on the lone tree red IPA by the way. It’s great!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

As you’ve read mine.

Was really just looking for an excuse to post that gif.

Spanky Datass
Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I may not be of much help since I liked all but one, and it was just medicre, not bad. Just one I wouldn’t buy again.


Pfft! Cartoon characters aren’t real!


Why not? I’m around 12/26 – 12/30. In laws live in northwest hills, but whatever works.


Sounds good. I will hit you up via the ff league. I will make fun of you for going to northwestern.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Maybe I could do a strogn taek on a brewery every now and then. So you’d get a break.

Old School Zero

I picked up a sizer of this on thanksgiving when I had to make an emergency morning run for green beans.

Bottle shop run report: the last four bottles of lagunitas dopplesticky, one pFriem special winter ale, one aventus weiseneisbock, and two victory moon glow. I’m drinking one now. It is as great as I imagined. Thank you for the recommendation.

Old School Zero


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

VERY CAREFULLY hidden; I don’t see it.


I have never seen it on either Firefox OR Chrome.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


Old School Zero

I know, but it won’t bring up the keyboard on my phone when I try to edit things. Bogus.

Horatio Cornblower

Brown Shugga is good but, as you point out, a little heavy on the ABV for me. Two of them and my head is spinning.

I prefer Sucks although it’s sort of like saying I like more chocolate better than chocolate. Lagunitas apparently can’t do anything badly.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Yes, it is too sweet for my tastes. Any friends over that do like browns and sweeter beers this is one I’ll get for the fridge. As for the ABV if they pass out I just make sure they fall asleep butt-up.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I put a bunch of beer reviews on Sexy Friday that were tried over Thanksgiving (appropriately).

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Too lazy to make it into an actual post.

Bloody Lethal

I’ll take it.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I tried to get some verity and not just IPAs, but the one IPA was my favorite.