Is everyone up early? I sure hope so, because David Moyes - and the Old Lady (ie, Goodison Park) get one last shot against Men Untied (7:30, USA). Moyes' United tenure ended at this very same location, to the tune of Evertonians serenading his demise. Yes, he lost BOTH matches against
Tag: 2024-25 EPL
November 2024 Spawned – Weak Footy Slate
THREE SHORT DAYS before the possible self-implosion of American society as we know/love/tolerate it. And we can't even get a full, distracting slate of fixtures. OK, Barcodes and Gooners to start (8:30, USA) ain't too bad. But then USA shows...Sham Town and Everton?? (11:00). Even HIPPO won't enjoy watching that car
Footy Footy Everywhere – A Discussion in Two Parts
Full Autumnal Glory (nae Holes) Returns!
A Week After the Storm – Footy Abundance Thread
Just Another Sabado de los Footy
I have no overarching theme this week. Keep those brains turned off and treat yo'self. Fronk's Hammers welcome Our Brand Is Crisis Chelski (7:30, USA), quite plausibly worth your asshole mind waking you up. I mean, mine's will regardless, why not look on the plus side. I refuse to make any mention of the
Footy Aplenty – Morning Thread
Almost Full Footy’s GlorioUs Return
Oh my cats, so much to watch this weekend. America settles into its ample couches/recliners, booze and/or drugs in hand. Life is temporarily good. The only Friday JV fixture worth watching is a 10:30p kick...but the best Lesser match of the day is an early bird, King's Afrikan Water Pistols welcoming in
You Lookin’ FOAR a Hero – Just Watch (JV NFL) Week Zero
A New Lesser Season Awaits
Oh my cats, next week, I will even have a handful of JV NFL fixtures to write up. Our long national/international nightmare is over! FITBAW!!!! You might suspect Hippo is irritated that YET AGAIN the Redshite filth open with a newly-promoted minnow. Especially given that it is in a stand-alone window
2024-25 – Previewing the Prem Once MOAR
These are the teams that will take to the pitch, and our SWAG's as to how they will perform. Take with the appropriate grain of salt. Also, trying sommet new, format-wise. The ded/relegated from 2023-24 simply have their last season's predictions in strikethrough font. I think it's kind of neat, but