[INT. A psychiatrist's office. It's dark, quiet, and soothing, in a sterile sort of way.] [Slow pan to DOCTOR SIGMUND FREUD, who perches in his armchair, quietly contemplating the next question he'll ask his patient.] FREUD: Pleeze, Herr Thomas. Kontinue. I beleef you ver zaying somezing about ... inner pain, ja? [TAWMMY reclines
Tag: Armchair Psychology
Preview Parade: New England Patriots
picture credit: John Defreest So I am not a Patriots fan. At the time we divvied these previews up, DFO did not have a Resident Pats Fan- even our abject depravity has its limits. http://usercontent2.hubimg.com/209832_f260.jpg Not many limits, but they do exist As a Bills fan, I am therefore faced with several options as