Happy Thursday! I'm tired, you're tired, it's hot out, let's skip the preamble and get on with it. I did NOT go to the All Star Game this week, mainly because I didn't care about it (or frankly remember that it was happening/happened until Weaselo's mention in last night's open thread).
Tag: BFC
Your “Random Thoughts With BFC, Volume 18” 4th of July Edition Slash Open Thread
Your “Rotational Thursday With BFC” Open Thread
A Selection of Phrases from Aussie Footy Broadcasts That Are Confusing, Bizarre, Hilarious, or Just Plain Dirty
Banner Photo Credit: Perth News A Selection of Phrases from (recent-ish) Aussie Footy Broadcasts That Are Confusing, Bizarre, Hilarious, or Just Plain Dirty*: Sell a little candy Bit of a Meal of It Sidebottom with the banana Out of Tickets Here Comes The Fist Suddenly it's end to end Fishtowning beautifully Had a bit of a fresh airy That makes
Your “Random Thoughts with BFC, Volume 17” Tuesday Night Open Thread
Your AFL Beat and Thursday Night Open Thread
Your “Sir Doug Nicholls Round Recap Redux” Thursday Night Open Thread
Your “Sir Doug Nicholls Round AFL Recap” Thursday Night Open Thread
Random Thoughts with BFC, Volume 16
Your Substitute Sunday Night Open Thread
Your “Mock What Now?” Thursday Night Open Thread
Banner Photo from MST3K's twitter As you all know, during the offseason, Horatio runs a series of mock drafts to keep us from working entertained on Mondays. Two Mondays ago, that installment centered around comedy movies and DAMN did the kommentariat step up to the plate and crush that grapefruit over