Three weeks of the 2023 Aussie Footy season are in the books, and here are some observations from 'Murrica: Holy shit was I (read: everyone) wrong about Geelong. They're at the bottom of the ladder and looking woeful/like they woefully belong there. Injuries are crushing teams, not just my Giants
Tag: BFC
Your “Random Thoughts with BFC, Volume 14” Thursday Night Open Thread
Your “IT’S HAPPENING” 2023 Aussie Footy Preview and Thursday Night Open Thread
Banner Photo Credit: GWS Giants Homepage I don't know how Irish you are, but if you wanted to celebrate drinking as much as possible, wouldn't you pair up the kickoff of the Australian Football League season with St. Patrick's Day? Because that's what is happening TODAY/started this morning and continues into
Your “Happy Purim!” Monday Night Open Thread
Banner Photo Credit: Getty Your regularly scheduled Monday night Warhammer professor, ArmedandHammered, is off tonight. Sorry, any esoteric references for the evening will likely be about topics other than video games, because I'm the wrong kind of nerd. But let's start with another holiday reference! Tonight begins Purim. For those of you
Your “It’s March Already?!” Thursday Night Open Thread
Your “Random Thoughts with BFC, Volume 13” Thursday Night Open Thread
Random Thoughts with BFC, Volume 12 HATE WEEK EDITION
Your “Happy Groundhog Day” Thursday Night Open Thread
Random Thoughts With BFC, Volume 11
Cheers to the Centenarian Club!
Interior, a sitting room decorated like your grandmother's living room in 1989 (except no plastic covers on the couch). Orange and blue crepe paper streamers and similar regalia are scattered across the room, and two men are hanging up additional decorations. Guy 1: So...what's the haps? Guy 2: We're celebrating the old