Request Line: Meat

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The lights in the studio come on as the PRODUCER cheerfully enters the room.  He punches a button on DJ 3000's main console.  As the mass of machinery begins to boot up, the PRODUCER steps lightly around the room, tidying up slightly.  A series of tones

Request Line: Welcome!

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The camera focuses on the console of a large piece of electronic equipment, all of its lights unlit.  A single light flashes on, followed by several more that blink sleepily and eventually resolve into being fully lit.  The camera zooms out to reveal the label "DJ

Request Line: In Good Hands

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The PRODUCER is seated at the console, setting things up for the day's show.  DJ 3000 relaxes nearby.  DJ 3000: So who's the guest for today? PRODUCER: [looks up] Oh, actually it's quite the get. DJ 3000: We're closing out the season in style? PRODUCER: Very much so. RECEPTIONIST: [via intercom]

Request Line: Joy

I originally had a traditional Request Line planned for today.  It's going to be a delight, I promise you.  But you'll have to wait until next week, because I woke up this morning feeling inexplicably happy.  So I thought I dedicate this week's Request Line to the concept of "joy".

Request Line: Poolside

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The PRODUCER is pacing in the studio, running through a list of tasks. PRODUCER: ...and once you get the station directory updated, you need to start working through that backlog of DFO Radio podcasts. DJ 3000: [CONTROLLER NOT FOUND] PRODUCER: Knock it off, I know there's nothing wrong with

DFO Art Week: Request Line / Radio

Welcome to the final installment of DFO Art Week.  Today I'm combining the art theme with Request Line / DFO Radio to showcase some of my favorites of the many images I've put together for the series over these four years. The theme for today's Request Line is "Music as

Request Line: Title Tracks

INT. NEW YORK JETS TRAINING FACILITY - DAY A pair of men are standing outside an office, inspecting the name plate that is mounted on the wall. JANITOR: want it changed again. ADAM GASE: That's right. JANITOR: But... GASE: Listen, the hierarchy here is...fluid. JANITOR: Okay. GASE: And it's important that my title here accurately reflects

Request Line: Names, Names, Names!

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY A well-tanned PRODUCER and a cheerfully lit-up DJ 3000 stroll into the office. PRODUCER: Well that sure was a relaxing eight week stay in Puerto Vallarta, wouldn't you say, DJ 3000? DJ 3000: SI, SI, FUE MUY RELAJENTE. PRODUCER: We're back in the States, buddy.  Better switch back to English before

Request Line: Eli’s Slumber Party Mixtape – Volume 7 (Pillow Talk)

INT. DARKENED GUEST ROOM AT CASA MANNING - LATE NIGHT VOICE 1: Are you...are you sure this is a good idea? VOICE 2: It's fine. I mean, we're both adults. VOICE 1: Yeah, but...[trails off] VOICE 2: You're worried about what they'll say. VOICE 1: A little bit, yeah. VOICE 2: If they find out. VOICE 1: Yeah. VOICE 2: Honestly, it's none of their business.