Request Line: Madness

INT. RECORDING STUDIO B - DAY Wait, there's another recording studio? Always has been. Is it in a different part of the radio station, or... Listen, can we just get on with it? INT. RECORDING STUDIO B - DAY We join a show in progress in Recording Studio B - the regular host sits at his

Request Line: Stick to Sports

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY Ah, so back to normal. Well, not really. Oh, shit. What now? You'll see.  INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The studio sits vacant.  The PRODUCER is nowhere to be seen, and DJ 3000 is in his normal position, lights flashing like a pinball machine.  DJ 3000: ...HE SHOOTS HE SCORES! [looks

Request Line: Nationalities

INT. STADIUM - DAY Wait, it's an open roof stadium, wouldn't that be EXT.?  Yeah, but they're in a luxury box, so technically it's an interior shot where lighting design will be required. Oh, okay.  Ahem. As I was saying... INT. STADIUM - DAY A pair of sleazy Hollywood producers are sitting in comfortable chairs in

Request Line: Holier Than Thou

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY The PRODUCER sits at the sound board, finishing up the setup for the upcoming show.  DJ 3000 is alert, sitting in his regular position in the studio.  PRODUCER: Hey man, thanks so much for saving me from Derek Carr last week. DJ 3000: YOU MEAN DAVID CARR, AND

Request Line: Blood

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – NIGHT Wait, doesn't the show usually take place during the day? I'M SORRY DID I FUCKING STUTTER? INT. RECORDING STUDIO - THE MIDDLE OF THE GODDAMNED NIGHT The PRODUCER sits at the sound board, setting things up for the upcoming show.  The recording booth is dark, and the PRODUCER

Request Line: Hair Care

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY The PRODUCER sits comfortably at the sound board, setting things up for the upcoming show.  DJ 3000 remains up against the wall, performing a deep memory scan.  The PRODUCER finishes making some adjustments to the sliders, then taps on the glass of the recording booth to

Request Line: Wishful Thinking

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY The PRODUCER sits comfortably at the sound board, setting things up for the upcoming show.  He's been reunited with DJ 3000, who has successfully returned after being trapped for months in a time loop.  Only...something feels a little bit different.  PRODUCER: Man, does it feel good to

Request Line: F.I.N.A.L.E.

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY/NIGHT/DAY/NIGHT/DAY/NIGHT/DAY… DJ 3000 and various other robot entities remain trapped in a time loop inside the KDFO recording studio.  After his unexpected arrival and subsequent hazing, the robots (and cyborgs) are surrounding TODD MARINOVICH while he regales them with tales of his time as one of the cast

Request Line: Talk to Me

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY/NIGHT/DAY/NIGHT/DAY/NIGHT/DAY… DJ 3000 and various other robot entities remain trapped in a time loop inside the KDFO recording studio.  After his unexpected arrival, the robots (and cyborgs) are surrounding TODD MARINOVICH menacingly while fellow human JOHN DIMAGGIO attempts to defuse the situation.  TODD MARINOVICH: [terrified, speaking quickly] I keep

Request Line: Exclamations!

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY/NIGHT/DAY/NIGHT/DAY/NIGHT/DAY… DJ 3000 and various other robot entities remain trapped in a time loop inside the KDFO recording studio.  The collection of robots (and cyborgs) and JOHN DIMAGGIO are spread out throughout the studio, in various reclining poses, enjoying the fresh breeze that is blowing through the portal.

Request Line: Self-Esteem (or Lack Thereof)

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY/NIGHT/DAY/NIGHT/DAY/NIGHT/DAY… DJ 3000 and various other robot entities remain trapped in a time loop inside the KDFO recording studio.  The collection of robots (and cyborgs) and JOHN DIMAGGIO are spread out throughout the studio, in various reclining poses, enjoying the fresh breeze that is blowing through the portal.