Remember that in-person interview I was so excited about? Well, I just got the call that they’re hiring me! I’M A WINNER TODAY! Not only does it seem like a really good fit for a new job, but I also get to leave this shitty job in the dust. I’M A DOUBLE WINNER! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
AWESOME!!! Congratulations!
Tell NSZ to go fuck himself for not telling you sooner!
That bastard didn’t even buy me a beer. He just kind of looked at me blankly and muttered “never saw it coming, poor bastard” before hogging the Playstation all night.
You’re looking good, Sep. Looking real good.
Finally, a blog where I have TOP KOMMENTER powers.
You’ve always been my TOP KOMMENTER.
And I say that 95% without irony.
OSZ’s last day at work (artist’s conception)
This may be somewhat accurate.