Thanks to a speedy delivery, my new router came in today and I’m back on the internet at home. So I boot up the ol’ interwebs only to find… this.
I love Hannibal. This show is spectacular in so many ways. Mads Mikkelsen is glorious as our beloved Hannibal Lecter. GLORIOUS!
NBC did this show no favors by initially sticking it at 10:00 pm on Fridays with little marketing, and then moving it to Thursdays at 10 this season–slightly better, but no. This would have been a Sunday night marquee show on any cable or premium network. It may actually be a miracle they got away with all the gore and sex and psychological violence they did on a network channel.
I’m glad they’ll play out the rest of the season–and really, it may be a good season to end on, since Hannibal will likely be captured and they weren’t guaranteed the rights to all the Silence Of The Lambs properties–and there’s always the chance of a Netflix/Amazon/Etc. pick up, but I’ll probably be watching the blu rays of the whole show regularly for a long time.
In the spirit of taking back that which we love, I’d like to welcome you all to tune into my new show coming to local Portland community access television: [Abdomen Rips Open]!
Happy god damned hump day, people.
Meh, I’m sure it’ll be picked up by Hulu or something, just like The Mindy Project was.
Phew. I thought something important happened. Carry on.
It did. The little icon for our site on my Google bookmarks is now the fisting poster instead of DTZM’s photoshop. Don’t know how that happened, but it’s important!
Welcome to Fistopolis!
The photoshop was too small of an image to work as a site image.
Really? It was working for me before. Either way, I like Fistopolis!
You all have read Thomas Harris’ books, right? Actually, Red Dragon, Silence of the Lambs, and Hannibal. One can stop there. Most importantly, to undo the crime against nature that was the Hannibal movie (VERY untrue to the book and the basic essence of the characters).
All I can say is, I got lots of strange looks throughout the early/mid 1990s for insisting that Silence of the Lambs was the greatest love story Hollywood ever told, and it was nice to get some vindication.
I am pondering a Hannibal binge, once it all comes to an end. My drab middle-aged life could use some style and elegance now that Mad Men is no more.
Oh man, the cinematography is so sensual it’s like having sex with your TV every week.
Either replies to replies don’t work or I don’t work.
I noticed this yesterday in the Kenny Chesney comment thread. My reply somehow became a comment on it’s own.
FUCK. This is the first I”m hearing of this. Hannibal is the best show on television. I tell my friends that and they all scoff at me. It’s amazing what the showrunners were able to get away with because production was cheap, and a couple NBC execs reportedly liked it. We’re pretty damn lucky to have gotten 3 seasons of thrilling, fucked up TV.
Right? I’m loving the seriously psychedelic feel of this season–plus the nods to giallo films and the pings of Susperia/Goblin-esque in the score at times–and the serious commitment to luscious visuals (not that that’s too unusual).