Hello! I am former Dallas Cowboys running back Emmitt Smith! I am told that you people like PUDDLES, so I am here with a really tricky one for you! If you are a player in the NATURAL FOOTFALL LEAVE you have to play games before the regular season starts! This helps players and coaches get ready for CRIME TIME! But sometimes it backfires! This year in particulate, a lot of players have been hurt. Some players have received PERCUSSIONS! Other players have damaged their INFERIOR CRUCIBLE LICK-A-MINT. Still more have torn their CHILI’S TENDON.
The letters in the names of some French eyes players have been REEFER RANGED! See if you can untrample them to figure out a word that can be used to describe how most players are feeling by the end of the PRIUS SEASON!
Lints (skylight to see):
1. Texans
2. Bears
3. Steelers
4. Panthers
5. Vikings
6. Jets
7. Packers
Marsha, Marsha….
Nicely done!
It’s like a puzzle within a puzzle.
Trent Green wonders why the letters aren’t jumbled.
(also, I will not be able to do this month’s Puzzled Pint [puzzledpint.com] but you and balls and whoever else needs to finally go to one of those. REPRESENT!)
Tim Tebow feels the same way.
Did someone say “reefer”?
By coincidence, I actually drove through Concord (home of the Concord Monitor) while this post was being conceived.
I didn’t know Concord was that sexy.
Rid June.
Rid June of what???
French eyes is also a common injury, usually caused by excessive rolling of the eyes when people try to feed you cheese or wine (or a language) which is not la French.
“Chili’s Tendon? So now I can get their baby back ribs with a side of Pho?”
-Vietnam War Vet Andy Reid
I thought Cris Carter was in charge of getting NFL players ready for Crime Time?
Chili’s Tendon appetizers are not as good as they sound.
I heard Emmit Smith went to the Chili’s and ate all the Chili’s tendons and then they had to close the Chili’s.
Did Emmit Smith look at you?
Muhahhahaha in the Land of the Jumbled wrods the Dyslexic are Kigns!
In other words… I am a DOG!!!
You’re my cow pallet!