I thought about doing one of my usual half-assed breakdowns for this game but the Jags don’t matter (okay, here’s one thing I learned-they’re the only team that doesn’t have a running TD after six weeks) and it would most likely result in a breakdown on my part. I checked Weather Underground, a site that provides weather updates for games all ’round your fair nation. London forecast? N/A. Someone, or a series of someones at the site wasn’t able to go to one of the major weather sites and punch in “London, United Kingdom”. I’m SMGDH over here. By the by, it’ll be overcast for the game. It’s not often that one gets to “pre-game” during an actual game, whether it takes the form of cooking yourself some eggs, going to the gym/church or waiting for the beer store to open so have at it. Me? I’ve got my polar bear jammy bottoms on, gonna fold me some laundry, hit the treadmill and make the gang some breakfast once they drag their pathetic carcasses out of bed. What are you up to?
“I think the future is bright in Jacksonville…in London”
I think the problem for Rex Ryan is the same sort of thing that happened to Samson in the Bible. Samson got his hair cut and lost his power. Rexy lost the weight…and its been shit ever since.
I think fat Rex needs to come back.
Rex Ryan teams never get the details right, do they?
And that’s the London game. Woo.
To add insult to injury, the losing team gets sent to Buffalo? Ouch.
Classic Rex Ryan game. Juuust enough hope to keep people watching for the eventual kick in the crotch.
Aw, sad Rex. Someone buy him a consolation cake in the shape of a foot.
…especially if that right-handed QB fucking sucks.
The audible disgust of the play by play guys is really what completes the experience.
I wish there was more of this sort of-“It’s basic stuff that these guys should be getting right-no excuses”.
The derp. It is strong.
No, Idiot Announcer. If they don’t get this 1 1/2 yards, they lose. This is a smart timeout.
The ruling on the field is this is a stupid game between stupid teams and I should go back to sleep.
Stupid BBC coverage doesn’t have the number of timeouts each team still has displayed on the screen. The game clock also appears to be a cropped video of the clock in the stadium.
One time out each, 53 seconds.
Bills interception coming up? That’s autoManuel.
Clay, you asshole. Muthafuckin CLAY!!!
Back breaking red zone turnover?
Jeebus, what a catch
Leave them both in England
NFL to London: