30 December JV Footy Exhibitions Preview

Good morning/afternoon, all! I shirked work and slept like the dead (thanks, extended release muscle relaxers!) to celebrate U*NC’s delightful ass pounding last night. Now, hopefully the stars are aligned for more “forces of goodness” triumphs the rest of the week…

Birmingham Bowl – Auburn vs. Memphis (Noon, ESPN)

We will see who is more depressed to be here. Apparently this game is played in the REALLY shitty part of town (there’s a non-shitty part of Birmingham? A non-shitty part of Alabama in general?), based on reports from fans who attended when NC State played Rutgers there way back in the formative Charmslinger days. Sometimes, Aubie looks pretty good. Sometimes, they lose to 1-AA teams (or barely win in OT, I honestly can’t recall how that November game ended).

Old-Timey Dying Small Southern Town Department Store Bowl – Mississippi State vs. NC State (3:30, ESPN)

I’ve got a fever, and the only cure is…less cowbell!! My hearing is bad enough to risk further damage to EVER risk another game against the Starkville peeps, but it truly is an interesting life experience. Dak Prescott is a really good QB, which is wolven kryptonite, but I have this feeling that MSU is the team who will be all meh about being in CLT for this game, and that NC State will show up ready to make amends for their poor showing in their season finale.

Music City Bowl – Texas A&M vs. Louisville (7:00, ESPN)

This is the ACC-affiliated bowl invite that I’m always sooooo jelly about. Go to Nashville, play a decent SEC opponent. REALLY fun city, especially around the holidays. Also really looking forward to this classic “offense vs. defense” matchup between two flawed, but quite watchable teams. With the caveat that BOTH the 1st and 2nd team Aggie QBs transferred after the regular season ended. So this could end up being a tire fire of sorts, too.

Holiday Bowl – Southern Cal vs. Wisconsin (10:30, ESPN)

Remember when this game used to regularly featured undefeated BYU and 6-5 Michigan? FUN TIMES. Anyway, I’m not sure this game merits staying up until 2am on a Wednesday to watch. I mean, fucking Wisconsin, amirite?

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King Hippo
Reclusive, vulgar Broncos fan. Also a proud fookin' Evertonian. Likely dropped on my head repeatedly as a small child. [Insert George Carlin quote followed by thoughtful nod.]
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Well I’ll be dipped in Belk. We’ve got a game!

Sill Bimmons

You havin’ trouble telling Belk from Belknola boy?


I’ve got to imagine the rest of the cast of the Cosby show are really pissed off they don’t get them royalty checks no more…


Mother calls me…

“I’m at the store”

“Good ma…ya ain’t shoplifting are ya?”

“WHAT?!? NO!…Your sister says wine is healthy for you”

“Mom…you really should lay off the drinking”

“Well she says you should pair it with food”

“What are you and dad eating tonight?”

“Mac and cheese with spam cubes”

“You can’t go wrong with Boones Farm”

Sill Bimmons

Too sweet.

I’d go Thunderbird in this case.


MD 20/20
Ahhhhhh….the lack of memories.


When i was a kid, we used to shoplift that crap. We would pocket a bottle from the corner store and buy like a half a gallon of OJ from the same store. Basically to cut it as since we were 13 years old, it was hard as fuck to keep down otherwise.

My one buddy would flip the fuck out if we got anything other than orange flavor 20/20 as he swore it fucked up the taste.

He would later drop out of high school as his practice of huffy was taking its toll on the mental faculties. He has three fucking kids now and cleans toilets at the local mall in our old neighborhood.

Sill Bimmons

If it’s been a good week at the dog track maybe you go all in with a 5L jug of Gallo white.

It’ll cut the fat in the cheese and marry well with the salty pork.


Looks like the Wolves aren’t going to go down without a Belk.








I can’t help but to giggle (NO, NOT like a girl) at the sudden injection of optimism into the Wolven types…..even though we all know we are still gonna get our asses kicked.


From the offensive side at least. REMEMBER at ‘CUSE ’14.


McKever Fever.
Wonder where that asshole has been for the past year?


Well, I’ll be Belked. Wolves right back in this.

Sill Bimmons

Shut the Belk up.


Belk, I need somebody
Belk, not just anybody
Belk, you know someone


CLANGA goin’ all Belk the Wolves.




Sorry…..I’m just projecting.

Sill Bimmons

So, NC State guys…

What if Cowher came back?

I’ve always maintained that he’ll never coach in the NFL again, but what if he could trade in one easy job for another?

It’s not like he would have to recruit. And there would be no pressure.

I think at some point he does it.



That is something that SOME of our brethren still discuss.
It would be an interesting dynamic all things considered.

But he’d be crazy to do so I think.

Sill Bimmons

Anyone else think that this sudden Johnny Drunkball concussion is the Browns way of finally cutting him loose for good after the latest round of party pics?


Time to start cooking and drinking….Fuck Footbaw.


Wooo!!!! First Down!!!!!
That’s like three now, right?


MANNY DIAZ??????????????????????????? MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That was a bad throw…but gotta give that DB credit for hanging on in that kinda weather.

Spanky Datass

You’d think a bowl named for a department store would have better lighting. smdh

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MissSt DL needs to buy him dinner.
They be in his pants.


We’re lulling them into a false sense of security.
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Jeebus fuck.


I think that first play from scrimmage just loosened his tighty whiteys.


Sorry I’m late. I woke up with a terrible hangover. Then the Browns called me in for a concussion review…said I was concussed…and now I’m a “maybe” to comment on Sunday…

Sill Bimmons

“Belk” just sounds too much like a noise you might make while trying to choke back vomit.


King Hippo: Never do anything the easy way when you can induce mass heart attacks instead.

Just thought your quote from only minutes ago was deserving of a repeat performance. We be the personification of that Murphy fucker. (no, not that Murphy Hippo…LOL)

Sill Bimmons

I hate that woman.


Which woman….he asks not sure if he wants to hear the answer.


Somebody fucked up.
Waiting confirmation…..
Yep, it was us.

Sill Bimmons

hoo boy

Sill Bimmons

wow those helmets are breathtaking


Dawn Davenport is no Allie LaForce.
But then again….

Sill Bimmons

So I’m here for the Wolfpack gang bang?

Password is “Larry Fedora.”


I’m way ahead of you.
I hope we give Dak Prescott the Teddy Bridgewater treatment.
(wow…that is an obscure reference that only you will get)


We pounded that poor bastard.
And still only won by a touchdown.


I know el nino is a libral mith (SPEEK ENGLISH WEATHER NERDS) becuz its 46 in DEMECMBER explain THAT LIBTARDS


I will be attending the first half of the Holiday Bowl (yay free tickets) but will be leaving because my Southern California self can’t handle sitting still when the temperature falls below 50 degrees.


Plus I work the next day and fuck that 7:30 start time.


After a so-so night of rest and about 200 calories worth of oatmeal I have to get my bedraggled ass in to work.
The digestive tract still feels as stable as the Tea Party but it’s my fault for giving half of my employees the day off for the holidays.
Enjoy your bowl games you lucky bastards.


Cheerleader Scorpion Fail
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Nah, she’s fine. Just look how good she bounced.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show



Wisconsin may be an entire state full of dumpy meh, but USC is the collective spawn of Satan. Go Badgers!


Belk. Belk? BELK!


I’ll be making noises that sound like “Belk” a lot tomorrow.

Because of strong drink and appetizers.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

World Junior WOOOOO


Did the good guys win?

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