It’s days like these that make sports such a great escape.
In NFL news, as ballsofsteelandfury brought you earlier, the owners voted at the annual meeting today to:
- Ban all forms of chop block. I’m stunned how
Tom BradyRobert Kraft let this pass. - Keep the PAT at the 15 yard line.
- A “horse-collar tackle” has been defined as “at the nameplate or above”. Hair is still an acceptable target.
But, was the failure contagious? Also, could Romo tell?
They will discuss the ejection penalty for two personal fouls on Wednesday.
The Packers are not going to re-sign James Jones. So now who will Aaron Rodgers overthrow while Eddie Lacy is eating a sandwich?
Free agency is pretty quiet, although Alf Morris signed with the Cowboys, fixing everything that was wrong last year. Plan the parade!
According to ESPN, according to Texans (?) owner Bob McNair said a key to Brock Ostweiler signing there was a “desire” to escape the shadow of both Peyton Manning and John Elway. I don’t know what he’s complaining about – all that grew on him was his legs. He seems to have the forehead and teeth of a normal man.
The news today is (rightly) all about the ISIS bombings. Latest totals have more than 30 dead in the Brussels attacks. All public transport has been shut down, and the airport is closed for three days, essentially isolating Belgium. The Belgium friendly versus Portugal was cancelled, and this now heightens security concerns for Euro 2016.
There are presidential primaries & caucuses today, in Utah & Arizona, plus a separate vote for Democrats in Idaho. Just avoid the news channels, because hearing Republican opinions about the attacks will make you want to punch your TV, especially coming a day after Trump called for a “rethink” on NATO, which is headquartered in Brussels. Ted Cruz is favoured in both Republican battles, because if there’s anyone Mormons love like their own, it’s a fellow millenarian. Trump falls short due to the “Christian of convenience” tag. Kasich might as well embrace Satanism, for all the chance he has.
The Canadian federal budget was this afternoon. The highlight was an announced 2016-17 deficit of $29.4 billion, with most of that a result of the previous government planning on an oil price of $60/barrel, combined with election-promised infrastructure spending & increased government benefits. If you ever wanted to know what a Bernie Sanders presidency would’ve looked like, watch the North for the next four years.
Rob Ford died today. As least when people remember me, there will be a “but” after the “He was a prick”.

NHL: (10 games total)
- Flyers @ Columbus – 7:00
- Red Wings @ Tampa Bay – 7:30
- Stars @ Blackhawks – 8:30
- Blues @ Sharks – 10:30
NBA: (4 games total)
- Rockets @ Thunder – 8:00
- Heat @ Pelicans – 8:00
NCAA: NIT Quarterfinals. They can’t bring themselves to come up with a second-place slogan to “Elite Eight”, so you know you want to watch for sure!
Pour one out for the Belgians. ÊTRE FORT BELGIQUE!
Defending Your Life, one of the greatest movies ever, is 25 years old. http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/news/defending-your-life-at-25-albert-brooks-on-making-a-comedy-classic-20160322
As expected.

Devin Faraci at BMD killed it as well:
So did Mike Ryan at…the site that shall not be named. The movie just sounds awful.
I do want to read Vince Mancini’s take on it. That should be brutal.
He could just do a plot recreation from reviews and it wouldn’t be any less brutal because this looks like a self-destructive mess.
Seriously. How do you even mess this movie up? Two yuuuge funnybook characters in the same movie for the first time should be instant gold. Instead they made what sounds like a dreary slog of a film.
“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice* contains a major revelation: it isn’t that Zack Snyder misunderstands Superman, it’s that he actually hates the character.”
I knew it!
One of my favorites:
Just so ’80s.
So much blow.
Heard about Houston? Heard about Detroit? Heard about Pittsburgh, PA?
Meanwhile, I fucking love this song, and had listened to it about an hour before Porky gave his news a few weeks ago. It just came on the radio I always have on (background noise always helps). First time I’ve heard it since. Suddenly, want to walk the dog (euphemisms, just burn off the feelings) for about six miles.
With everything that’s happened in the last 24 hours, I’ll probably sob in the shower. Guh.
I gotta hit the road before I change.
Meanwhile, I just want to drink a pot of coffee, and just snort the good stuff.
Full disclosure:
I’m a bit (to put it nicely) younger than Moose. That said, we both have a rock goddess.
Chrissie Hynde helped “make” a young WCS. I jerked off to her, is what I’m saying.
That’s OK. I’m a…bit…older than Moose, and I also like Chrissie Hynde.
I mean, she’s no Sheila E, but…
/ducks thrown glassware
Are you sure you are older than me? When I popped it was President: Dwight D. Eisenhower (R-Kansas/New York).
Huh! Well, ya got me, pardner! I was born during LBJ’s early run.
It’s the sense of humor that has not really changed since 13.
Some things are always funny.
Coincidence: I’ve got Alfred lined up as tomorrow’s Open Thread banner pic.
I saw them opening for Neil Young at Red Rocks a few years, maybe more than a few; Chrissy can still bring it. Her voice sounded as good as it ever has.
The future was predicted.
Fun fact: The Boy Commandos were created by Joe Simon & Jack Kirby, the same dynamic duo who brought us Captain America.
What…? Stop looking at me like that.
Coooool Debbie. Not that there’s any other kind of Debbie.
Question: as long-time HRTN readers, is it becoming too convoluted? Blaxabbath brought this up last week, and now the thought nags at me, causing sleepless nights and waking terrors.
I can sleep again!
Showed that to my wife. Don’t think she’s gonna be getting any shut-eye tonight.
I love it. As long as you have an ultimate destination for everyone, who gives a shit how it takes to get there. I published a book with a lot of players, without an actual ending, and it still worked.
As far as I’m concerned, you can it going in perpetuity. Everyone here loves it.
Much appreciated. I write it and totally amuse myself, but there are nagging thoughts of “OK, is everyone enjoying this, or are they just humoring me so I won’t post Seahawks fanfic?”
As long as the ultimate ending isn’t Richard Sherman buttplugging one of us, we’re all good.
Well, there goes my big finale…
I am for convoluted, strange, violent, inconclusive…….kinda like life.
Awesome. I enjoy just jumping around to different characters every week…I can see how it could get confusing, but on the other hand, it still makes more sense than Sons of Anarchy.
I enjoy following along. Just make sure you don’t spend a year on Herschel’s farm.
Plus, it’s content. Regular content. Good sites need that. Very few people have ideas that they can stretch out over a month, let alone how long you’ve gone. Just write until you feel you’ve finished the story. People will trust you will know when to end it.
I like doing the Open Thread setups because I get to write something, but I don’t have a regular idea to keep going. It helps me feel somewhat worthwhile to the cause, and not the Dustin Rowles of the organization.
Cool, that’s great to know. I dig writing it every week (some weeks are easier than others) but I don’t want anyone to feel…out of the loop, if that makes sense.
I love the open threads, BTW. A lot of the threads are beer or food-related (or basketball, or soccer, or…) and I have nothing to really contribute there, but the open threads I always feel like I can crash into at full speed…as long as I have a few Debbie Harry pics standing by.
I don’t mean TOO convoluted. I enjoy it and appreciate the enormous world you are building with it.
That I can’t follow is my own problem.
It’s been brought up before, and I know it moves around a lot. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t off in my own weird space spewing out random gibberish.
I mean, I am, but as long as enough of you understand my gibberish, it’s all good.
“In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.”
― Napoléon Bonaparte
Goebbels would approve of this election cycle.
Was that supposed to go one comment above?
Dammit, yes. Or, maybe not. Who knows.
I freely admit to be looking forward to adding this to the “dad rock” vocabulary.
Completely predicted results in my state came out about four mins after polls closed. Maricopa County (where Phx is) cut their polling locations from 200 to 60, from 2012 (most of the lost ones, of course, being in the barrios), and it’s resulted in long lines at the polls after closing plus all kinds of registration issues.
So I’m enjoying following my friends on facebook talk about how (a) it’s too early to call; (b) voter suppression; (c) Dybold.
Remember, it’s the darkies and the immigants who need voter ID cuz they take are vottes.
Many people are also showing concern for the ‘Coffin District’ results. Is this a thing that every state gets?
Ask Chicago. They specialize in that.
Ugh, I have an early breakfast meeting tomorrow, why the hell am I still up?
We need some Tool up in here (TWSS).

In what sane world does anyone care what this stupid fucking dipshit has to say?
Catler and Kristen are probably more than happy to let their kids drink raw milk, too.
When I’m sitting on a 50 kiloton nuclear weapon, detonator in hand, while the zombies are nipping at my legs, this is how I want to go out as I push the button.
Guh. Just when I’m getting the head change from the bourbon, one of the coils on my vape boxes decides to blow, and now I’ve got to change it. White people problems, amirite?
I should write a 14,000 word essay on Gawker on how this is an example of the oppresive climate we live in.
Vape boxes?
If it’s just me, then I’m going to whatever I want.
What in Carmen San Diego?
2/10 Eats in bed; would not bang
Have Josh Homme and Eminem ever been seen in the same place at the same time?
I’m just finishing up listening to Monday’s request line to come down from a long day. That was solid work, peeps.
Honey, you gotta be careful with those!
I’m watching the Flash right now, and it’s a turd in the punch bowl. Worst episode in the series, IMO.
Well, holy piss, look at that. YOU LOSE SITE.
Holy moly!
To quote an Iranian shia cleric, “Boobquake!”