Your Saturday night let’s get down and boogie woogie open thread

Happy Saturday Boppers!

Since it’s still daylight on the West Coast and the edibles have yet to kick in… Oh but when they do! I’ve been elected to drop down the delirious open thread action.

We’ve got some hockey action going as our own Covalent Blonde’s San Jose Sharks get a challenge from the Ice Redbirds.

There’s baseball going.

That NBA game that is probably going to rip out poor Canada’s heart is there.

Although we have our own national past time of drinking, imbibing and ingesting and making the merriment.


You know what to do Commentist Party.

Now let’s do it.

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yeah right is a lifelong Vikings fan. He is into self denial and still harbors hope. Loves to cook, read and drink. But he doesn't plate.
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I hate Toronto sports teams. I hate every single one of them. Whenever I hear the Raptors are supposed to be Canada’s team, I tell my TV to lick my asshole like it’s a delicious bowl of Caesar salad with bacon bits sprinkled on top.

Last week I went to Portland, and man, the Xenophobia that was coming out of the mouths from ESPN analysts had kind of made me start to root for the Raptors, which pissed me off. (This was during game 6 and 7 of the Heat series).

Fast forward to the Cavs/Raps preview. Everyone was calling for a sweep and that the Raptors didn’t have a prayer. While the Cavs are going to beat the Raptors, saying they were going to sweep the Raps (or, should I say, how analysts were saying it) was so xenophobic and had absolutely nothing to do with basketball. Whatever, I was going to cheer for the Cavs anyway.

But now that we have an insane foul call discrepancy, I’m finding myself cheering for the Raptors. . .again and it’s pissing me off. For fuck sake! How does a team not manage to get a single free throw in the 4th quarter of an NBA game in 2016? Unreal. Absolutely unreal and super shady.


“of an NBA game”

There’s your answer. The NBA has always been shady as to what teams get preferential treatment. That’s why I stopped watching it.


I’m gonna dance like no one’s watching.

Shit, they were watching. And fuck if that didn’t hurt like a bitch.


Green Day – Jinx/Haushinka

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

As many times as I’ve seen it it is still fucking funny, Thanks.


Five hours on the water; only two whales spotted.

I’m drunk enough to email their site about the adventure.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

We’re killing our oceans; why can’t the tour company have their shit together!


you will never hear me dissent re: Zappa.


I had a brother five years older. So basically via his music collection, I listened to a lot of stuff I might never have been exposed to, or at least not at such an early age.
My point….I first started listening to Zappa when I was like 10 or 11. Wow….that really does explain a lot.


Dude needs to trim that ‘stache.
Sorry….you were saying?


Matt Weiters, you magnificent bastard.
Happy 30th, son.


Made myself a sazerac. That should solve all teh problems.


Mine is sugar cubes that I douse with peychaud’s and cherry bitters, add templeton rye and mix with ice, pour into a glass I’ve rinsed with absinthe, and then chug.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

That is slightly scary.


Howdy. I am not sober but I’m also not as drunk as I intended.


Funny that’s the one you picked. My flight started having lots of Buffalo Trace and then suddenly I finished it.


The Nice Guys is terrific.


It really really was. I almost wish I lived in that era. If not for the lack of instant gratification in the tv/movie/music department.


I have no idea what is going on with this NASCAR race. And I just barely started drinking…


Holy shit….. this is… don’t even…. Oh my god…

comment image

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Brocky; how is it going today?


Melbourne is, predictably, kicking Brisbane’s ass.


The best game of the night starts at 10 Pacific. Damn.


I’m going to catch up tomorrow.


That’s currently my kinja avatar

King Hippo

Old Skool (and time to pass out):

I’m gonna try for the kingdom if I can…

King Hippo

I have been guilty of kicking myself in the teeth
I will speak no more of my feelings beneath



Edibles are fine. I prefer the breathing method, however. And I am about to prove as much momentarily.

King Hippo

This always makes me happy:

I’m a sick fuck.


My anger has transcended violence into that state of constant physical pain.


Oh hai!!!!!
(sadly I will mostly be an absentee parent tonight it appears….so behave your damned selves)


King Hippo

Did I sing this to all three of my chill’uns? BUHLEE DAT!

King Hippo

I’m the pater familias!!!

King Hippo

Agreed. I could watch it on constant loop.


Seconded. Or thirded. Oh whatever….I agree too.
Got rewatch that one soon.


My introduction to the Coen brothers.



Ole Balls has written a shitload of posts today! Time for a Sex Panther!

King Hippo

sexual chocolate!!!


Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Randy Watson!

King Hippo

Here’s another version of my new favourite depression anthem:

Momma never told ’em there’s a devil in me
There’s a six shooter pistol and I’m ready to leave

King Hippo

Vitamin X! IN DA HOUSE!!!!