Your Monday Night Football Open Thread

/Inside DFO Headquarters Monday Morning

Me: Guys, I’m at a loss here. The Bears and Eagles played  just last night and now they’re playing again tonight! How do I spin this? How comes no one is talking about this?

Hippo: [shakes his goddamn head] What are you talking about?

Me: The game. Tonight. It’s the exact same tilt as last night.

OSZ: You screwed up.

Me:[rolls eyes] Thanks for the input, Oldie-but I’ve been doing this for over a year now. I think I’ve got a handle on it. Seriously, any ideas? The NFL has sunk to a new low.

Horatio: Scotch, the Bears and Eagles didn’t play last night. Are you okay?

Me: What is with you guys? Just check last night’s preview post. It’s right there! They played!

Low Commander: Did you watch the game?

Me: Of course not! I’m wayyyyy too hammered by that time. Just like all you guys. Am I right? [raises hand looking for a high five] Nobody? What is wrong with you guys?

Everybody– YOU FUCKED UP!

Me: Ohhhh, I get it-this is some sort of, “Let’s pick on the Canadian guy” thing. They never give us a break, right Beer Guy?

BeerGuyRob: [looks the other way, whistles]

Me: Fine. Whatever. Not funny, guys. Not. Funny. I bet Magary never had to put up with this sort of lack of respect. I’m out of here. I’ll be back when I’m not taken for granted! [slams door of conference room/broom closet]

DTZM: Guh. Let’s take a vote-everyone that wants Scotchnaut barred, raise your hand.

Dok Zymm: Can I vote with both hands? It’s twice as many as one!



Enjoy the game [spits on ground] “Friends”.





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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Sober me ran out to do errands hours ago and I stopped at Wendys, he was right when he bought a couple extra $.99 burgers because he knew I would want them after the game.


So after some not so nice discussion on facebook on how fair weather bears fans can pull an uproxx and fuck right off, I decided to go out back, turn on the porch light, and chop some firewood.

Holy shit I should do that more often after bears games, I could build a fucking log cabin right now.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I will always stick with them. I will however mock them all the time even when they are good.


I’m with ya, bears fan till the day I die. Which is looking more and more like it’ll be in a log cabin.

its like inception, the idea won’t go away

Col. Duke LaCross

“Bears” was my first word and Payton was the closest thing I ever had to a superhero as a kid. Growing up in Utah, I don’t think we had a game shown locally here from 1990-2000, aside from what seemed like an annual drubbing from SF on MNF. Every day I pray for the day that Virginia sells the team. Unfortunately, she’s basically Yoda and may outlive us all.


Yeah, adult swim played an episode of Space Ghost: Coast to Coast that didn’t appear on the guide last night and then put a little C. Martin Croker RIP bump up at the end. I was sad =(

King Hippo

Trent’s Lullaby:

I want you to make me
I want you to take me
I want you to break me
then I want you to throw me away

/ain’t that just lyrical perfection? night, y’all


I will cut you.
Are you just trying to fuck me over right now? You shoulda been passed out hours ago anyway….da fuq??????????

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh



Jon Gruden is an insufferable ass


Of course Gruden picks the white guy…

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I didn’t realize it was actually over when I posted that last pic. I might have only been paying half attention to it the last few minutes. Like how the refs treat every single game and meeting to discuss getting the rules uniform


Is there any question who will be the Gruden Grinder…


Jason Peters has like 2 years in him at most. Eagles fans are going to weep openly when they see what a talent he’s been.


AFL Beat/ Post-game Open Thread is UP!


Oh thank god. This American football is an abomination I tell ya.

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