Hear ye, hear ye, I don’t have any Sunday morning errands/chores to do because football starts so early! Of course the down side of this is that I should be ‘football-ed out’ by about 7:30 this evening. Whatever. This London game is great in theory-NFL fans in the U.K. get to watch a game live. It’s a treat. Sure the games have not been of the best quality nor has the field been in the best of shape (I recall a Fins/Giants tilt from a few years back that was a mushy, slippery, rain-drenched eyeball-scorching travesty of an affair) but..I have nothing to end this sentence with. (aside from a preposition) TO THE GAME!
Indy/Jax-The Colts have a comfy 21-9 series lead and their entire starting D on the field for the first time this year. Their goal? Be average. That’s all it will take to beat a Bortles that has clearly regressed from last year. Opposing D’s have locked down on wr Robinson, limiting the damage he can do and Blake has time and again misfired on passes to Hurns (he of the 1000+ yards and 10 TD’s last year) and Lee. This is where a young running back should be stepping up and Yeldon has done so 2.5 yards per carry at a time. So the Jags are gonna lose. So do they fire Bradley? Probably. But this brings up the issue of who replaces him. The OC Greg Olson doesn’t look like a ready candidate and DC Todd Wash was just promoted from D-Line coach in January. No matter what happens, the Jags seem likely to have lost one year of competitive football.
Now take a big swig of that Bloody Mary and LET’S GET GOING!
I’m gonna stare at this for like an hour. One of my kids will notice, and this will be uncomfortable.
Only just realized she’s holding a phone.
Wait a minute. I’m voluntarily watching a Colts-Jaguars game. What happened to my life?
if you combined the weight of ALL our bad life choices…holy tapdancing Jeebus
Considering you can only accept one penalty per play, some team should have a play where they attempt to commit EVERY penalty in the rulebook at the same time.
I’ve always wondered, when a team needs like 20-25 yards to get in prayer FG range with like 10 seconds to play, why the defense doesn’t just like hogtie every fucking eligible receiver.
Probably not because that would result in a ejection (Flagrant Foul), a touchdown for the other team (Palpably Unfair Act), or the game retroactively being turned into a loss (Extraordinary Unfair Act).
I actually should have thought they should have invoked that on the Tomlin thing.
I called my mom and left a message. Thank you time warner and making it cheaper to keep a landline than not having one because of bundle prices. I really was gonna ask one of you to text her, because I really think my phone is now a brick.
“Yes, this is Dave.”
– Trent Green, attempting to answer a brick.
I’m rooting against the Jags here only because I want to see the London coach monster claim another victim.
2-nil Spurs! Looks like the 72 Dolphins can pop champagne today, Citeh won’t go 38-0…
Aw, Colts, did the Seahawks teach you nothing? You gotta knock that ball out of the end zone! It’s totally legal!*
*not legal in continental United States.
Keys to the game: Lots and lots of beer.
/dick joke
But its not even 10AM. Isn’t that sign of alcoholism?
sticking to pills today, my liver hurts
I’m all out 🙁
sorry, homey that is THE WORST FEELING
Meh, I gotz booze.
is Allen Robinson even on the bloody pitch??
Trent Green did a great job presenting those “keys to the game” considering how hard of a time he had remembering where he put his keys this morning.
Does Bortles still have that stupidly busty girlfriend so I can justify posting pictures of her?
Jesus, even by Jags-Colts standards this is a lousy game so far.
BLEERGH made it!!
Hodor Derp!!!
did Tomsula ever get one of these? He seems like he would have dug the chav scene.
/also, that was a bit shit, Andy…
Can someone text my mom to tell her I won’t make it to our Sunday brunch because of London football. I got the message last night but my phone is really broken now I think. Only like 20% joking
Aw, I wanted another punt!
“And the punters are out in full force today in London, Trent.”
‘A the donald duck ya doin’ boys?
/cockney translator may be drunk
Christ it’s too early to be up on Sunday.
Road trip! To the hall of the Boltman we go!
Rock on, you long-haired, overfed, leaping gnome.
did you take a sacrifice? if not, just go with it when you feel an electric tingling in the butt area
Good advice foar any occasion, actually.
thrilling fackin’ start. HE HOLDS IT. HOLDS IT!!!!!
Hey London, you told us you like seeing the ball kicked and we heard you loud and clear!
fast kicking, low scoring action!
Blake Bortles begins boffo British bid!
serious question – why doesn’t the Shield schedule these for when the EPL is on international break (as it is next weekend) at least? One assumes Spurs/City commands quite a bit of local attention…
He gave em a googaly wit e’s rodger e did!
I hate everyone for doing the national anthem. You know people only started doing it because the Cubs found out it made more money back in the 20’s
Boobs, fuck you national anthems
Okay, kneeling for the National Anthem on US Soil, is a sign of protect.
But kneeling for “Star Spangled Banner” and standing for “God Save the Queen” has to be slightly disrespectful.
shit, I can’t even say anything smart-assy about that anthem rendition. Fucker NAILED it.
Is it disrespectful to all of America that I spent the national anthem putting away dishes, or just to the troops?
I will assume the inevitable and note that Blake Bortles and the Humps’ OL are really having a mare today.
oh Christ, where in the fuck do you imagine Trent Green thinks he is right now??
Yemen? Yemen.
Greenville, North Carolina.
Btw RTD, you do realize I might have to call you names later when the Raiders roll into Baltimore and make the Ravens their bitch, right? Don’t take it personally. 😉
Are you kidding? If the Raiders play well enough to warrant it, I’ll be a happy camper.
Good morning, campers!
Allo, Gov’na!
/that’s how it’s done, right?
Oh bollocks!!!!
Again, it’s something in the water. Because Kelly and Lucy aren’t alone in their boobedness.
They’re positively Brobignandian
I think it’s something in the water.
Jesus H
Even he’d want to titty fuck those.
(don’t worry, if there is a hell I was already headed there anyway)
I’d like to insert something into HER British colloquialism!
Isn’t ‘Bortles’ already a British euphemism, for something like when a toothless prostitute takes a dump in your tea cup while give you a handjob with a teabag?
E.g., ‘I say, old chap, I was chuffed to the stuffins that old codswalloper started tingling my nard-parts!’
‘I say, old bean, I agree. But when she started Bortling you, I nearly clotted in my jagura!’
I am already bored
My new rally cry…right there.
My high school had two cheers during basketball season–we might have gotten them from Northwestern.
‘It’s alright, it’s OK–we weren’t ranked anyway!’ (a variant of ‘It’s alright, it’s OK–you’ll work for us someday!’)
‘Our SATs are higher! Our SATs are higher!’
First we send GT/BC to Ireland. Now Colts/Jags to London.
At least we’re exporting our best products tho.
King George is going to raise our tariffs again if we’re not careful.