Commentist Beer Barrel – “tWBS Ruins It for Everybody” Edition

OK, I’m not gonna lie…I really had the best of intentions when I agreed to sit in for makeitsnow this week on the beer barrel.

But dammit, I don’t have a Lady Snow to keep me honest.  Thusly, I ended up staying up all night last night getting drunk (yes, for a while at least with the beer I’m about to review shittily) and playing poker.  It’s really WCS‘ fault.  That guy is a bad influence.  I mean like seriously.

But I digress….

The real issue here is poker.  That shit is addictive.  WCS and meself played all damned night.  Best either of us did was to finish 10th.  Now granted, that’s out of 45 folks.  But still.

But it is fun and YOU should  be doing this…..

  • (d’load the software)
  • Next,  Click the “Join a Poker Club” button.
  • Enter the Club ID number: 2103481
  • Enter the Invitation Code: National Disgrace
  • Then just sit back and wait for ballsofsteelandfury to make all your dreams come true….by approving you for membership.

OK Fine, Now Beer

So, Humboldt Co. CA.  Not necessarily the last place you’d look for mind altering substances.  But beer?

This made me laugh…..


Humboldt County is known for its impressive redwood trees, and many acres of private redwood timberland make Humboldt the top timber producer in California. The lush river bottoms adjacent to the ocean are renowned for producing rich, high-quality dairy products. Somewhat more inland the warmer valleys have historically produced abundant apples and other fruit. More recently vineyards have been planted in the Trinity, Klamath, Mattole and upper Eel river valleys.


OK, if you are not getting the joke by now, then here…when most folks with whom I associate mention Humboldt Co., this is the subject of discussion….

But not today….

(well…maybe later today)

Humboldt Brewing Co., Ukiah, CA, 95482

(false advertsing…Ukiah isn’t even IN Humboldt Co.)

Nectar IPA – 6.7% ABV

I’d heard of it and seen it on shelves previously (it’s not rare, really) but never tried it before now.

There’s also a cute little hummingbird on the label.  I like hummingbirds.  See? (captured in AZ several yrs ago by yours truly, fwiw)….

Anywhoo, back to the beer…..

Just slightly more pricey (at least at my nearby redneck store) than what I usually grab…but I can’t say it wasn’t worth the $14 I dropped on the six pack.

I’m not gonna get all fancy here, guys.  I’ve read other reviews of this beer.  Most describe it a follows….

Aroma of caramel, dough,y citrus, and a light floral hop. Taste was malty, toffee, more dough, with some pine, light citrus.


Aroma of fresh bread dough, amber malts, slight caramel. Medium carbonation and mouthfeel.


The aroma is citrus, pine hops, floral, earthy, and caramel malt. The flavor mimics the aroma along with moderate bitterness. The mouthfeel is light carbonation and this beer is light-medium bodied.

OK, first of all, the next fucker that says “mouthfeel” in my goddamned presence is gonna get kicked in the nuts.  Or somewhere else if they don’t have nuts.

Mouthfeel?  Fuck you pretentious dicknuts.

It’s beer…it’s liquid…it has carbonation.  Don’t give me no more shit about mouthfeel.

What you’re talking about is taste.  You’re just too self-important to admit it.  Douches.

Taste?  I like it very much.  Mildly bitter, medium hoppy with just a touch of citrus.


Self-important pricks.

It’s bitter, but smooth.  More aftertaste (though not offensive) than expected, but I like it that way.  Thus tWBS approves.




(Apologies to makeitsnow….I promise I’ll never fill in for you again….not that you’d ever again allow me to after this)

Totally Random and Unrelated Video

(but it always makes me laugh)

((fish really can hear you thinking just before you sneeze))

OK…go drink some beer I guess.

Sorry again, Sir Snow.

Meh.  Might be a good time for me to relocate.

La bibbida bibbidum….La bibbida bibbidoo…

Cluck…went the chicken.

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An unapologetic, even if often manic-depressive (it's a requirement given his choices of sports teams), fan of NC State University, the Baltimore Ravens and the Baltimore Orioles. When not parked in front of the computer and/or TV, can often be found on the golf course shouting obscenities to no one in particular.
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Senor Weaselo

So, would you buttchug?

King Hippo

you fuckers REALLY played MOAR after I finally quit around 3??


Thanks for filling in this week, tWBS! Your apologies notwithstanding, I enjoyed it. Especially the poorly drawn bear.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Well done.


How would we be able to tell if you had been smoking weed?


This review is like a Prince song. Certain parts don’t make sense, but take it as a whole and you greatly enjoy it.