Your “Easter Sunday? Who Made the Ham?” Evening Open Thread

So, I was raised in a fundamentalist Baptist household. Here’s what Easter meant to people who handed out Jack Chick books:

Air tight! Religion sure kept my relatives from getting cancers – says the guy down to one parent and an aunt.

That’s why I make sure the nieces always get candy, because why should their upbringing be as fucked up as mine was. And since I can’t eat chocolate, I’ll just have to settle for beers…as the Lord intended.

Tonight’s sports:

  • NHL:
    • Pittsburgh at Columbus – 6:00PM | CBNC / Sportsnet360
    • Montreal at New York – 7:00PM | NBCSN / Sportsnet
    • Edmonton at San Jose – 10:00PM | NBCSN / Sportsnet
  • NBA:
    • Bulls at Celtics – 6:30PM | TNT / TSN
    • Thunder at Rockets – 9:00PM | TNT / TSN
  • MLB: Cardinals at Yankees – 8:00PM | ESPN / TSN2

Union contract = Holiday Monday. LET “NO WORRIES WEEKEND” CONTINUE!

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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Ha! Jonah “Looks like Scott Van Pelt with fetal alcohol syndrome.”


The sigh Kent gives is priceless.


Money line
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Jesus fuck, Jonah looks terrifying now.

I need to catch up.


Poor Ben. Recent events have shown that nothing is considered inappropriate at Uber.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I might have gotten drunk every day on my spring break. There is like 60% of me that is worried that I will die when I sober up


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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Yes, this is me 100%

Brick Meathook

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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

tWBS left me at the poker table so I am back to my Dan Harmon panel viewings. After I finish this one I go back to the new MST3K. It makes me so happy to say there is new MST3k


It made me happy until yesterday when I found out Jonah Ray is the new Joel/Mike. That took some of the luster off my shiny new toy.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

He is like Mike to me at this point. Fuck that guy! He is the worst! Oh shit Space Mutiny is amazing. Still team Joel Forever but maybe the show can last


Fuck Comcast. My Internet is currently topping out at a whopping 2.0Mbps


This is great. Either Alex Jones says he’s a fraud or that he’s a lunatic, neither of which are likely to result in him having any custodial rights involving his kids (Or, well, they wouldn’t if he lived anywhere but in Texas), and more importantly, his conundrum is fucking hilarious. I hope beyond all hope that his wife’s lawyer demanded he take a psych evaluation. It’s amazing what family court judges can force parties to undergo, but sometimes it’s really for the best of humanity.

Brick Meathook

Have you ever eaten so much that you took a shit that felt like molten glass being pinched off with sharp mechanical sheaves and you also had two assholes?
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1. Yes

2. I’m going to soon because I just polished off this fucking beast.
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I’m cooking quiche!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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