TGISF…aka Your “Who’s Got Wood?” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Today is Arbor Day.

So go plant a tree…so to speak.

But yes, Arbor Day, or more specifically Trees….is our theme this week, one way or another.

Yes, I know you were expecting something NFL Draft related probably.  But fuck those idiots.  I can barely stand to watch real NFL during the season anymore.  NO MORE SUNDAY TICKET MONEY FOR YOU, GOODELL!!!!!  NO SHIT, BUDDY.  He thinks I’m joking….I’m not.

You think Imma waste time on a draft of the next class of numbskulls when I can watch NHL playoffs and/or baseball?  Hell, I’d watch the WNBA (is the WNBA still a thing, btw?) before I’d watch that draft.  One can only laugh at Roger Goodell getting booed so many times.  I got my fill on the first two picks last year so….no thanks.

You guys have fun, though.  But please, do try not to crash the blog again tonight.

But I digress……

So yes, TREES!!!!!!

Admittedly, I haven’t done the obligatory pic search(es) yet to see how, or even if, this will work.  But since I’ve already decided and started writing, and I generally don’t like to go back and change themes mid stream unless I have to (it’s happened twice and I was not happy either time) ….well, I guess this better work.  Let’s just say that it’s gonna have to get pretty fucking bad for me to change it, so we’re probably locked into Arbor Day at this point.

Fair warning…this might suck (more than normal).

(Don’t worry….we’ll make it work.  Trust me)

See????  Would Michael Madsen lie?  Don’t answer that.

Anyway….I like trees.

They give us shade and oxygen and all kinds of good stuff….


Raw material for construction of shelter…..

Fuel for warmth and light…..

A place for birds and other woodland creatures to do their shit…..

Why yes, that IS an Oriole. Also, shut yer piehole.


And also….sometimes hot girls are drawn to them…..

So that seems like a plus, right?  In fact there was this one time back in the summer of ’93 when I went camping with the young lady I was dating at the time when we…..

Uhhhhh…..never mind.

This Seems Obligatory:

No TMI This Week

As weird as last week was, this week has been that boring.  And busy.  I’m not complaining mind you, but I don’t have a lot to share this week.  Plus I kinda bore (bared? bareth?) a bit of my soul last week.  Probably too much, even.  Gonna give ya’s the week off this week.

/everyone sighs with relief

But here, have some sexy trees instead……

Sexy Mexy Update

Well, this past week was fun…right?  Next week, another new DFO’er comes aboard….permanently….translation:  He asks to go home and we say “NO”.  We also again cross paths with someone we’ve already tangled with.  And Dave finds another love…cheating sumbitch!!!!

That’s right folks!!!!!  You can’t get it anywhere but here at [DFO]….because no one else would let us post this crap.

Monday, 11am EDT

Go here to catch up if’n you need to.

Sports To Hold Your Wood By

Does anyone care about anything right now other than the Stanley Cup and that draft thingy you all seem so excited about?

Do any of you need me to give you links to either of those things?  Fiiiiiinne…..


So I guess the draft is happening, or so I’ve heard.  Meh.  If you need to read about it you can go pretty much anywhere.


Pens held on against the Caps to take back home ice.  3-2 final to go up 1-0 in the series.

Ottawa came from behind to melt the Smoothies to take a 1-0 series lead.  2-1 final there.


  • NSH at STL (STL leads 1-0) – 7:00pm, NBCSN
  • EDM at ANA (EDM leads 1-0) – 10:30pm, NBCSN


It seems someone has put something in the water in the Baltimore-Washington corridor.  O’s/Nats World Series…you heard it here first (relax, I’m joking…but I would also not be opposed, fwiw).  You can find tonight’s schedule here.


Woodland Sexy

As it turns out, it wasn’t that difficult after all.  Though to be honest, some of these are more general nature than truly woodland.  I don’t care…I make the rules up as I go along anyway.  As if you didn’t already realize that.  For instance, since I kinda shorted you earlier on the talky talky, I’m giving you a double issue of sexy instead.  Truly an assload of photos this week.  They’re better than my words anyway.

But sorry in advance for when it slows your download times later.


Honest, there’s a tree back there. You’ll see it when you stop looking at her ass.

Does she look familiar? If so…you’re going to hell, LOL.


Palm trees still count as trees.



Yes, the Bush jersey almost caused me to not include this one. Then I realized it made it better…lmao.


Whaaaatttt??? There’s trees back there. I think.

How about a musical interlude?


OK, back to it!!!!!!!


Nina Dobrev….allegedly.


See those trees back there? Yeah, me neither.


Swear to god, if her tits weren’t in the way you could see the trees.


Yeah, I know I’m pushing the definition of the theme…… But look at that ass!!


This I just found….interesting.

OK, back to the real theme then….

I’m happy there are trees in this photo of Heather Graham which I like a lot.


I’m sure there’s a tree back there somewhere.  Probably.  Shut up.



Lucky Tree.


Those are some BIG trees.


That seems like as good as any to end on, I suppose.

tWBS Got Lost in the Woods Once….

Nah, just kidding.

But this was taken about two years ago during a fun outing….

– Hideaway 2 –

Yes, in fact there IS a Hideaway 1.  Well, it’s just called Hideaway.  But I like Hideaway 2 better.

So what have we learned here today?  All girls love trees, right?

Oh damn, we got us a troublemaker….

Alexa….get her!!!!!!

Whew….glad you’re on my side, love.  No, you won’t have to do the same to me later.  YES, I’ll have dinner on the table on time tonight!  No…no no…not yelling….

Can I at least get the good lovin’ tonight?

Awwwww, man.  *sigh*

Next week’s TGISF will air live from the west coast. Though some of it will likely have been pre-recorded on the east coast.

I’m already confused again, dangit.  Anywhooooo….Have a good weekend folks.

Love ya’s.

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An unapologetic, even if often manic-depressive (it's a requirement given his choices of sports teams), fan of NC State University, the Baltimore Ravens and the Baltimore Orioles. When not parked in front of the computer and/or TV, can often be found on the golf course shouting obscenities to no one in particular.
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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I didn’t notice it before, but that is creepy as Hell.

Loved the Drew Pearson intro! But also, where can I purchase this Jason Garrett cardboard cutout? #drewpearson @SportsSturm @junior_miller— Kent Gilley (@kentgilley) April 29, 2017


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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I would like to meet this woman.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Brick Meathook

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Brick Meathook

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Ugh. No more zombies.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Brick Meathook

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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