Your “Don’t Get Drunk and Slam The Door” Sunday Evening Open Thread


So, how was your day? If there’s no more write-up than this, I am still drinking after working the day game at Nat Bailey.

Serious question: have we reached a generation of people that haven’t ever worked service jobs as a rite of passage? Because it seems a lot of young’uns sure as shit don’t know about tipping, or feel at ease not dropping a few bucks. Twice in two days, I’ve served groups of 10 people $70 in beers, and been stiffed each time. Now, I don’t expect a large amount, but it you’ve paid me with a $100 bill, and I’ve given you a $20 & two $5s back, common fucking courtesy dictates you reward the guy who huffed your beers up to your seats. Oh, and don’t act surprised when none of the other hawkers returns to your section; stories get around.

Anyways – end of rant. I did find this awesome flashback to the era of four channels & family night:

Your move, society.

Tonight’s sports:

  • Futbol:
    • CONCACAF Copa Oro 2017:
      • Curacao vs. México – 5:00 PM | UNI / FS1
    • Campeón de Campeones:
      • Tigres vs. Chivas – 7:30 PM | UNI
  • Beisbol:
    • Yankees at  Red Sox – 5:00 PM | ESPN / TSN


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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I want to go be productive but every 30 seconds I hear that MEEP MEEP MEEP and I am just enraged again. I know I sound insane but deal with it every single day for years and get back to me.

Don T

Alright I’ll say it: I love Lady Mormont. She guilt trips like a mother, and has the steely conviction of overachieving teens.
If she ever has a scene with Varys, I may may faint from a geek-out.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Favorite new character introduced in the last couple years

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I swear to god I am gonna just destroy all the construction equipment at some point. 3 years of MEEP. MEEP. MEEP at 5 am would drive anyone insane.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

What is the etiquette on mowing your lawn at 7 am when construction people have been out there for 2 hours? I would be the least loud thing out there, plus I want to get it done because it is my dad’s birthday

Don T

That’s an easy one. Loaf. But enough of my fantasies.
Go ahead. Get that outta the way ASAP. If you get complainin’ say “I’m being productive you slacker!”, sigh heavily and wipe your brow overdramatically.
Glad to ser you’re OK man.

Brick Meathook

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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I wasn’t joking. Everyone else took off anyways? I am at mostly ok


Clouds finally opened up and its raining like a mother fucker here now. I’m throwing down some sheets to ward off the patio flood water.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am honestly in like stage 3 of my seizures that occasionally happen. If it is gonna happen it is gonna happen.

If it gets worse I won’t be able to type for an hour