The Drunken Trade War Friday Open Thread

This is Dok, filling in for the Friday Open Thread.  This has been an eventful week, US politics-wise, and while I was thinking of doing a piece about John Jay, early Chief Justice.

I’m not gonna do that.  Instead, I’m going to repeat an unfounded rumor that the reason there’s no J St in DC is because the guy in charge of the street plan didn’t like John Jay.  Actually, it’s because street signs in those days were in cursive, and a cursive I and cursive J look too much alike, though he was pretty hated after the Jay Treaty.

“Damn John Jay! Damn everyone who won’t damn John Jay!! Damn everyone that won’t put lights in his windows and sit up all night damning John Jay!!!” -Actual DC Graffiti

And now, I’m gonna talk about the first ever official international trade war.  Do you like brandy?  Or French wine?

“You Goddamn Crapaud Crouton Frogs!  What kind of soap-dodging, clouf-booter, surrender monkeys are you?!”

-William of Orange, probably

So after his accession to the throne in 1688, William of Orange passed a series of tariffs on French goods, primarily brandy, while simultaneously encouraging domestic gin production.  In 1690, the government broke the distilling trade union of the day (the London Distillers’ Guild), decreed that gin was tax free, and shit was ON.  Chronic food shortages a century before combined with increased production methods and decreasing population growth contributed to low grain prices and higher wages.  As a result, farmers could make a better profit on their grain by distilling it, and city residents had extra money in their pockets to spend on booze!  Beer was familiar to England, hard liquor not so much.  Consumption of hard liquor among the working classes skyrocketed. Gin was served by the pint, because, duh, that was the portion size for alcohol.  What self-respecting person would pay decent money for something in a tiny glass?

One drink

Even worse than poor people getting super drunk, women were getting drunk too!  There were at least two confirmed cases of women drinking so much gin that they spontaneously combusted.  All that was left was a pile of ashes.  Never mind that these ladies were old and fairly rich and had a bunch of relatives waiting to inherit and nothing around them was even singed and the human body only burns at about 1200 C, they were totally lushes who combusted due to excessive gin consumption.  Gin became the devil drug of choice, much like opiods are today.  There were legit cases of horrible crimes committed to obtain gin, (the most lurid being the case of Judith Defour, a single mother who killed her own toddler to sell the kid’s clothes for gin), but for the most part it was an overblown moral panic.

Gin Guy James hawking his goods

By 1721, it’s estimated that 25% of London’s citizen were engaged in producing gin.  Eventually, over 2 million gallons a year, serving penny-drams to 7000 gin shops in London alone would be produced.  At the peak of the gin craze, 2.2 gallons a year would be consumed by the average citizen (averaged over ALL ages, even that there drunk baby).  By 1736, the government had decided that it’s previous protectionist trade policies encouraging the production of gin should be reversed, since it turns out that encouraging the majority of your population to be dead drunk most of the time is a bad idea.  This did not go over well with a populace which was pretty happy with their tipsy state.

People held mock funerals lamenting the death of ‘Madam Genever’ as gin was popularly known

The first gin act mandated a large tax on gin sales, as well as a large fee in order to license gin selling premises.  There were exactly 2 licenses ever taken out, and gin production and sales went underground.  In a lot of ways, this was an early English version of prohibition.  Gin quality went down, and was far more likely to be toxic.  Snitches, who would get 5 pounds for turning in an untaxed gin seller, were subject to violent reprisals.  A guy named Dudley came up with a sort of gin vending machine which made him rich.  The ‘puss and mew’ machine was a sort of wooden cat carving that distilleries would put over a far window.  The savvy consumer would speak his order, put his money in the cat’s mouth, and the dispenser would pour gin through a tube coming out the cat’s claw.  It was impossible to see both sides of the transaction, which made it proof against the local equivalent of the ATF.

This here cool cat will provide you with the driest martini of your life

Peak consumption occured in 1743, and it wasn’t until 1751 that gin consumption really went into decline.  In 1751, the second Gin Act came into effect.  The artist William Hogarth created the most classic depiction of the evils of gin v. the virtues of beer in a piece supporting the Gin Act, known as ‘Beer Street and Gin Lane’.  It seems that beer will make you paint masterpieces in the middle of the street, while gin is all fights and death and baby dropping.

Beer Street and Gin Lane -Hogarth

The Gin Act of 1751 was much more effective than its predecessor, with lower taxes and a more realistic licensing provision requiring gin to only be sold from properties worth at least 10 pounds/year.  While this may have helped, a reversal of many of the initial causes of the Gin Craze likely played a larger role.  The balances of power in Europe were shifting, and more importantly, grain prices finally recovered from their century long slump, meaning that distillation was no longer necessary as a means of garnering profit from cheap agricultural surpluses.  The government actually engaged in REVERSE protectionism, banning the use of domestic grain in distillation.

This is probably a best case scenario for the results of the current US trade war, but meh, it’s Friday, drink up and Cheers!

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Doktor Zymm
An expert at time travel*, Doktor Zymm also has the ability to move objects with her mind** and can breath underwater***. *Forward only, at a preset rate **Via her hands, usually ***When the water is contained in a glass
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Ladies and gentlemen…. The Doors:


It’s not 1968, but, he’s not wrong:

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Martin Luther King was murdered that year too. Glad they stayed together this long; those were trying times……. like…… now.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

The night you were conceived; u-tub doesn’t have the rights for the whole song, sorry.

Brick Meathook

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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I’m still hungry.

King Hippo

what vintage wine you reckon that is?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


Mr. Ayo

I could watch this forever.

Senor Weaselo

I’m gonna have to watch that later.

Mr. Ayo

It looks like it’s on fast forward. The acceleration is unreal.

Always one of my favorites.

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Jeans ads back in the day. Now we have Brett Fucking Favre selling them/

King Hippo

I remember this! Unlike most such memories, it has aged very, very well. 😀

King Hippo

I hope Justice Kennedy and his son’s cocks each turn green and fall off. Repulsive, traitorous cockwallets.


I’m sure it’s a good omen that this managed to go this long without being a major story

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

The court is already far right; now we’ll have much worse for twenty to thirty years.

Everything is fine.

King Hippo

seriously, if Der Fuhrer tries to cancel elections for “national security” reasons? The court he will have in 3 months will allow it. You just watch. Full. Court. Autocracy.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Brick Meathook

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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King Hippo

I abso-fucking-lutely love this song!

yeah right


King Hippo

we went a whole day without World Cup. It was awful, wasn’t it?

Also spent 2 hrs at the DMV with my asshole kids. Keep using that birthing control, ppls. You don’t want to rely on Tijuana abortions.



TOYS-R-US: “How come kids don’t want me, man?”

— X (@XLNB) June 30, 2018

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yes, more 1968 jams

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

When did they start dating?


1965. it was small town.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Did they play music when you were a kid?


By coincidence, my cocktail tonight was with gin. I knew about the Beer Street and Gin Lane piece, but I can’t for the life of me remember whether I’ve seen it in person in London or just read about it somewhere.

King Hippo

no medium-cool older cousins, MOAR LIEK


No, big ones definitely not legal in CA. Forest fires, you know.

King Hippo

yeah, but surely CA has it’s own version of SC that everyone goes to the state line of to get the real shit? I would guess AZ or NV.


Mexico. I can only imagine how pill-crazy you go if you had access to a Mexican pharmacy.

King Hippo

I’d need someone to show me los ropes! Being super pilled out in Mexico doesn’t sound like a great idea, but fuck, I’d do it for some of those 80s like on the teevee shows re addiction!

Brick Meathook

Shooting guns in the air is OK though.

King Hippo

ah mean, assuming one believes in teh Constitution!!111

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

They will only be able to count to seven (eight for boys).

King Hippo

I want some gin now. NO FAIR!!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Brick Meathook

So I’ve been working in my home studio all week on a project that’s due today. This morning I submitted a progress sample and a lengthy explanation of the extreme technical difficulties I’m facing. They said they were pleased with my progress and gave me another week. Truth is, I really just fucked off all week and made up the whole story, but I did a really good job of it. They’re paying’ me for creativity after all. I feel kinda bad about it, but not too bad. I’ll make their stupid thing look extra nice. Next week.


Brick Meathook

This ain’t my first rodeo.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I remember my very first Buzkashi (بزکشی) match.


I may have stopped talking mid-meeting at work to fill it out when I saw it come across my mailbox


Looking forward to kicking the air in a parking lot between my forklift shifts at the dock

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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In some form or another we all do….. we all do.


So that’s how it works in Legend of Zelda.


Sir, Link sucks dick for rupees

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

The same relative price, even with respect to the provider for ~7,000 years. I was speaking more metaphorically.

Senor Weaselo

I’m not sure if that can be bannered, but it should probably be bannered in our minds.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Did you still want songs from around 1968? That was before I started R&Rin’, but a huge part of what I listened to in the “formative years”.

Brick Meathook

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

There has to be.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Monica is real and a former Fox News contributor, where she worked from 1996 to 2017. I’m think in school that history was not her best subject.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Maybe CTE is a terrible thing?

Senor Weaselo

That’s not even history, unless she was in some sort of cult or something



What a bitch.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Maybe idiot would be a better term, but you take it where it needs to go.


I’m supposed to be civil and respectful to that creature and not just call her a dumb cunt? Sure.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Well, using the term dumb is really soft-peddling her intellect. So you are being kind of nice.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I think the term should be how the Aussies use it; not gender associated. Bitch too. I find myself using these terms while driving and predominantly on male drivers. Horses ass is a good one for female as it just seems more insulting somehow.

King Hippo

go into any English football match thread, every other noun is “cunt” – completely gender neutral. Which is why it’s allowed during Lesser Footy Open Threads! In a non-sexist manner, obvs.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Brick Meathook

see that? that’s modern technology with style.

Brick Meathook

That’s the NY Central Mercury 4917. The streamlined shell was designed by Henry Dreyfuss, who later also designed the Polaroid SX-70
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Thorens Excelda “Sprechapparat” / portable phonograph, 1934-1947. Switzerland. Via Museum für Gestaltung Zürich.

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Brick Meathook

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


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yeah right

Shit now I want a martini.

Woo, Dok’s in the hizzy!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Do I go with the Shape of Water joke, the Zelda gay fish meme, or just jump right to Rule 34?

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Gay fish? Don’t say that around Kanye.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Hmmmm sushi………

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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She’s got legs not; what the fuck does she need that stalking asshole for anyway?

and presumably other things.

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Senor Weaselo

I thought she was the stalker!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Maybe I should watch it again…. or ignore the Tom Hanks version


(takes Zymm’s advice)

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Senor Weaselo

That is about the reaction I had.


Los Padres son una meirda.

This is from a Dirt Stillers fan.


It’s bad. And all we have is hope that the farm will produce.

Spanky Datass

Arseneaux! Meaux pheaux!


Ok universe, ToddlerZilla is acting like a fucking whiny monster. You owe me a Portugal and Argentina win tomorrow, damnit!

On a related note, if you ever want to scare teenagers about wanting kids, show them a toddler in their whiny/easily triggered tamper tantrum stage. Jesus Christ.


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Hell yeah!

Senor Weaselo

Hermana Weaselo’s terrible twos were awful. And hysterical. I’m still not sure if any of us are invited to her wedding…


Toddlerzilla has been in her terrible 2’s since she was 11 months. Also, she’s still not even 2!


Terrible twos for us with Redskyatnight was a myth. Three, however, was a complete cluster duck. And I think now that she is four, we’re just used to her antics for the last year that it seems almost normal sometimes.


i hate the Lakers


But not nearly as much as their fans.

Senor Weaselo

Who knew GinGuyJames was that old?


It’s here! I was getting worried; need my night thread fix!

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Senor Weaselo

I thought it was just Arizona since they don’t do Daylight Savings. As opposed to the Navajo who apparently do.