Ice football Open thread I guess!

Hi, Karen Carpenter here just a lovely meal of puck tonight! Do you like Overtime? Seeing WCS or Sharkbait squirm? Then this is the place for you!


How about that weather eh? Pretty hot/cold/rainy eh?

A quebecois guy I work with couldn’t think of the word for pickles and called them sad cucumbers. I will now forever call them that. It reminds me of the time I ordered green peppers at Subway in Australia and they looked at me like I was speaking Japanese. It’s capsicum apparently. Follow up story was when the chef at a restaurant I worked at tried to be fancy and had capsicums on the menu and when asked I told a visiting bus tour person from Jersey that they were mushrooms. I then rushed in to the kitchen and told the line cook to load up the plate with mushrooms once I was informed that it was indeed a pepper. When I returned to the table and did a meal check the lovely geriatric informed me that they were the best capsicums that she has ever had. I do hope that she continued to hunt for those in her local groceteria going forward.

What do you mean this was hastily put together?

Talk about booze, and stuff!

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- A pugs best friend. - Wine drinker. - Loves to use the letter U behind O. - Iggles fan, Fulham FC (Mighty Whitey) supporter, Cavalry FC Ultra. - One of the resident futbol freaks at the clubhouse.
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UPDATE: Am still drinking.


This would be more impressive if the update came at 6am

Game Time Decision

it’s 6 AM somewhere


I got to babysit my mother-in-law, while the missus went to look at apartments with my daughter. So to entertain the m-i-l I sat through three hours of Law & Order: Plain vanilla, SVU, and Organized Crime or whatever. It had been a long time since I had watched a recent one of those, and I have to tell you that they suck pretty hard these days.

Plain vanilla was about the same, except that the actors are the JV. SVU was just an hour of nonsense. Sure, it always was nonsense but in syndication you can sometimes get that redheaded DA with that sexy little overbite. Organized Crime was nonsense in spades. Dennis Leary was in that one, and I knew when he showed up it was just going to get worse.

Fun fact: while watching SVU my m-i-l told me, “Did you know that lady (points to Mariska Hargitay) is Jayne Mansfield’s daughter! Her mom died in a car crash. Chopped her head off!” I told my wife that when she got home, and she told me, “Yeah, I knew that. Mom tells me that every time she sees her on TV!


This was awesome except I cannot abide you disparaging Original Flavor. Except that Jeffrey Donovan is one of the most spectacularly miscast parts in TV history. If we did it for a draft I’d trade up to #1 overall to get my hands on him.

Game Time Decision

Mrs GTD watches The Organised Crime one and it’s a season long story not a per episode or two story, so it makes sense that it was confusing. And she said the Dennis Leary character saved the season.


That makes sense. Stuff was in there that had no bearing on the show. Granted, it was an “SVU/Organized Crime crossover event!”


Gumby bought a pair of shoes that he had when we were in high school. Puma Clyde’s. He’s very excited. He had red ones too.


Those are sweet!!


Fitting color selection for Gumby.

Brick Meathook

10828 S Avalon Blvd Los Angeles (Camilo José Vergara)
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I think I set up a little workshop in that topmost building in Fallout IV. Nuclear Armageddon didn’t seem to damage it much.


Wait…I should have been paying better attention to this hockey game, because now it’s in commercial and I have no idea whether it has ended or not.


Update: it has not.


Colorado – Nashville? No TV timeouts in overtime. Best playoff OT in sports period.


Calgary. There was less than two minutes left.


Avs just won in OT so no more hockey tonight,


I saw! (the replay)

Doktor Zymm

I’m glad I’ve been in a relatively good mood the last day and a half because I am finding this whole situation hilarious, even though I have to pee and we still have seatbelt lights on cause of lots of turbulence since takeoff

Brick Meathook

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I was in a shit mood all day but a friend came by and we played golf and I shot a +5 (on nine holes at a par 3) and now I feel better.

Also, I’ve been drinking.


Walk proud. My objective was always bogey golf, and I rarely achieved it.


Little too far in the tank for walking, but I will sit here sprawled out on the couch proudly.


Someone’s gonna be the cool kid

Doktor Zymm

Looks like we will leave at the delay time, lol


Worth it for the lulz.


Are we going to talk about the fact that Cuntler casually showed up in the comments section this week like he hasn’t not been here for a year and then was actually super helpful before ostensibly disappearing for another 6 to 12 months?

Last edited 2 years ago by BrettFavresColonoscopy

Fun fact: “mysteries” was the original theme for tomorrow’s Request Line. The actual theme is not quite that, but similar.


JerBer was here too. Hello, handsome strangers!


Just need Porky Prime to drop by!

Doktor Zymm

Pilot just got here!


So you’re saying you’re out of a pickle?


Let me beat my dead equine in peace


And into pieces


Save it for Saturday in case there’s another Barbaro incident

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The exact gif I had in mind. Well played, sir.


He was probably watching the first episode of a new TV series, whatever that’s called.


Duh, it’s called a “firstie”.

Mr. Ayo


Brick Meathook

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I hate flying. It’s an irrational hate I know, but I hate taking off and any kind of turbulence. I know nothing is gonna happen but I can’t help it. Though I refuse to let it stop me from travelling, I just imbibe a lot of whiskey preflight and during.


I have aerophobia. Go figure.


Not gonna lie, I think playing a bunch of Microsoft Flight Simulator has helped*. I think it’s knowing what the procedures are, and why certain things happen has helped me.

My trick was to always look at the flight attendants. If it’s bumpy and they’re sitting there looking bored, I know it’s fine.

*We’ll find out on the 20th when I fly to Vegas.

Game Time Decision

I hate flying as I’m a taller human and do nawt fit in the seats, so never comfortable on a flight. And nawt rich enough to travel in anything but coach


Yep, no fear for me just SO FUCKING UNCOMFORTABLE


Yeah. It’s not fear of falling eight miles that makes flying suck, it’s just the whole flying experience. Except for looking out the window – that’s cool.


I’m a hair under 6 feet. Aisle only for me.


(6’8″ with the Afro)

Game Time Decision

Neck afro?
Eyebrow afro?

Game Time Decision

Isle, emergency row, whatever, still not enough room for me.
On and the idiot in front of me always puts their seat all the way back. Even if I wanted to, there’s no way for me not to hit their seat a zillion times during the flight.

Last edited 2 years ago by Game Time Decision

Just reach over, caress their cheek, and whisper quietly, “Let me know if you need anything.”

Seat will fly back to its full upright and locked position.


I loved it until I had a kid. It’s been white-knuckle time ever since.

Doktor Zymm

Pilot got here I think, unless it’s just the guy turning on the APU so it’ll stop being 85 in the back


Does he like movies about gladiators?


Did you check luggage? It can always get worse you know.


I just saw this guy running towards Gate C23 at O’Hare
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Tell him to avoid the fish.

Doktor Zymm

Seatmate just got here, was in river north when boarding started, still no pilots, lol


Anybody else getting a shitload more spam texts lately?

Doktor Zymm

Yeah, it’s primary season, all the politics stuff


I’m not even talking about the political ones, I’m getting spearphishing up the wazoo

Last edited 2 years ago by BrettFavresColonoscopy

Yup. Last week I was getting 2-3 per day


Shouldn’ta given me your digits

Doktor Zymm

Fake fizzy wine, hooray!

Doktor Zymm

Nice and cool cause the heat is stuck on while we’re at the gate. This is pretty much maximum shitshow level considering that we’ll still get in to SFO roughly on time

Doktor Zymm

Lol, everyone getting on is out of breath.

Doktor Zymm

Oh that poor lady in her zebra boots! That cannot have been a fun run

Doktor Zymm

They’re totally holding this flight and damn right too, after all the shit that has gone down, plus this is the last flight of the night

Doktor Zymm

Not a happy zebra!

Game Time Decision

That’s committing to the theme for the zoo run

Doktor Zymm

Upgrade cleared, made it after a sprint, like 15 people behind me. We’ll call it a draw airport gods

Doktor Zymm

Yikes, people still boarding and my seat mate hasn’t arrived yet. Plus we might not have a pilot? That can’t be right, they wouldn’t have us board without a pilot. Guess I didn’t have to run after all, crafty of you airport gods *sideeye*


I maintain that the pickle is a happy cucumber because it’s forever moist and juicy.

Why would it be sad?


What kind of pickles are you eating??


That’s not a pickle

Doktor Zymm

I always considered it mildly pissed off, it’s salty


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Doktor Zymm

Well fuck Clear and precheck are closed for no apparent reason and this line isn’t moving, my flight has started boarding and screw you airport gods


That’s not rocking

Mr. Ayo

It’s not over until the front door closes! Hang in there, champ!


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Found a funny;

Your new gf seems great man. Do you know if the blue she sees is the same as the blue you see?

Doktor Zymm

Currently in a Lyft almost to ORD where I will just barely make my flight that was 70 minutes delayed but became undelayed while on the way. My upgrade will probably clear because of the fake delay, and I will just stroll to my gate and board with no waiting time because of the undelay! Thank you airport gods!


That’s Rocking!

Doktor Zymm

I just had some pickle chips, relevant!