Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: How Long Until Spring?

We finally made it to Friday. To me this week has been kind of just…meh. Maybe it’s because February is the worst month of the year, maybe it’s because I’m now catching back up at work after having been on leave for 20+ weeks. Either way, I’ve been very much looking forward to this long weekend. What better way to kick off the weekend with a drink? Given the general sort of malaise I’ve been feeling this week, I went with something very simple: The Emerson. 4 ingredients, all in a shaker, strain and serve. Doesn’t get much better and easier than that:


1.5 oz. gin, preferably Old Tom
1 oz. sweet vermouth
.5 oz. lime juice, freshly squeezed
.25 oz. maraschino liqueur
Garnish: maraschino cherry

Combine all ingredients except garnish in a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake for 10–15 seconds, until well chilled. Double strain through a fine mesh strainer into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a maraschino cherry.

Very similar aroma to a Martinez, of which isn’t a surprise since this is a Martinez derivative.  It’s the maraschino liqueur that does it. It’s fruit forward but not over the top.

The sip is nice. It is a pleasant combination of the dry gin, sweet from the maraschino liqueur and vermouth, and a touch of sour from the lime. It’s very well balanced, and with all these complex flavors going on, it needs to maintain the balance here. After all that, it does finish a touch on the sour side, but I rather like it actually. The citrus is a nice touch, but specifically the lime flavor plays really well here. I don’t get much from the maraschino syrup I added. In the drink’s defense I’m sure the garnish would be a better way to deploy the flavors than using a barspoon to drizzle/ drip some in so it sits at the bottom of the glass. I’m sure having the cherry sit in the middle of the drink would more evenly disperse the flavors and I’d be able to pick it up more before getting to the sunken syrup. The finish is a tad heavy on the lime, so that delicate balance does appear to fade away at some point. It isn’t super sour though so it isnt a big deal.

I like this very much. It doesn’t taste overly strong in terms of the booze, and is very easy to drink, and excellent when it’s poured ice cold. Though I think I might prefer a regular Martinez or the Peacock Alley Martinez a little bit better. As much as I do enjoy the lime as mentioned above. I did find it to linger a little bit longer than I would have preferred the more I had of this. Mind you it wasn’t undrinkable by any means, just a personal preference at work here. Enjoy the long weekend!


(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)

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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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Game Time Decision

“double strain”
Who’s got time for that?
-DFO degens


“Double Strain” sounds like something J.J. Watt would get by trying to ignore an injury while working out


“Double Train” is one of Eli’s favorite Thomas the Tank Engine track layouts.


“Me, too!”


That reminds me that I need to watch the final season of Letterkenny.

Senor Weaselo

I keep forgetting Martini & Rossi is a real thing and not just a Porsche and Lancia livery.
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Last edited 11 months ago by Senor Weaselo

We really do need to get Sharky some upgraded vermouths.

Don T

My antidote to February weather: whisky in coconut on-site
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Any lime in the coconut? I’ve heard that’ll make you feel better.


About the only thing February is good for, other than Fasching in Germany, is vacation planning. Wifey and I did that today… there’s a beach to look forward to coming out of this.


How funny, looking at the ingredients I was like “that sounds a lot like the ‘Martinez’ recipe that the Dr. Mrs. picked up that we have yet to try,” and lo and behold…


Honest question: do you find much of a difference between fresh squeezed lime and lime juice from like these guys?

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Roses is too sweet, this (overpriced stuff) seems legit.


Huh. I remember reading somewhere that the stuff sold under any other brand name has the exact same flavor.

Doktor Zymm

Rose’s is specifically a sweetened lime juice, so I daresay other sweetened lime juices taste the same. That stuff is just straight lime, no added sugar. My favorite is straight key lime juice


I feel bad for people who moved away from California and can no longer walk out their front door and grab a fresh lime from one of the many abundant lime trees in their neighborhood.