Saturday Night Off-season Open Thread 10


In these Off-season Open Threads, I’ll sum up the week that was, provide you with TMI-style information, and throw some random spaghetti at the wall and see if it sticks.


Apparently, tomorrow is Cinco De Mayo also known as Drinko De Mayo in certain parts of the world. What are you doing to celebrate? Besides getting obliteratingly drunk on Mexican beer and/or tequila or tequila-based drinks.

I blame the French.


My favourite hockey team, the LA Kings got KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Four games to one is not improvement. Jesus, 2014 was a long long long time ago!

It is a good reminder that y’all really should take a long lunch or the day off if your local team wins the championship and there’s a parade. You never know if it will ever happen again.

Yes, I attended both.


I now owe you TWO Balls Magazine posts on my latest golf adventures. One was a tournament with the new club and the other was a weekday trip to Palm Springs to play with a buddy that has a home on a golf course there. As Don T’s bio says, “bad decisions, mixed results”.


I’m finishing Round 5 of my Iron Curtain workout program tomorrow. Lady Balls has complimented me on the size of my …. chest. Hey, I’ll take it.

On a related note, I laid out in my backyard to get some sun last weekend. I hadn’t done that since high school! Is that a California thing or do people still lay out in the sun to get a tan?


I had an interesting week at work. On the plus side, I led a tour of a work site for a few of the highest level execs in the organization. On the minus side, my best friend at work said the wrong thing at the wrong time during said tour and I had to do damage control, protect him, and chew his ass out. I’ll find out next week if my efforts to save his reputation have worked.

It’s been a week….


As I get older, I appreciate more and more that I’m Gen X and that I’ve been really lucky to grow up in really interesting times filled with amazing music, movies, and culture.

Probably the best part is me reminiscing with my friends about the shit we did back then that the poor kids today can’t. It was a perfect time to grow up.


Your weekly Psych gif:


Your weekly hot girl pic:


Your weekly music video:


I’m assuming there are sports on tonight, but honestly I don’t care.

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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