Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Just Desserts

Happy Friday. We made it to the weekend once again. This week’s tasty beverage comes from our own Maestro. He was kind enough to send me up a small bottle of Peanut Butter Old Fashioned from Deep Roots Distillery in Prince Edward Island. Now, I’m not one to usually grab a pre made cocktail. I like the flexibility I have of using my own proportions as I see fit and/or tweaking ingredients based on my own preferences. However, this one comes highly recommended from Mrs. Maestro. So of course I had to give it a go:

Peanut Butter Old Fashioned

Pour 2 oz. of Peanut Butter Old Fashioned over ice. 

There is a very dessert like sweet aroma on this one. It’s stronger than I would have anticipated. The peanut butter infusion really takes over, which is to be expected given it’s the main focus here.

This is very good. It also isn’t as sweet like I was somewhat expecting. The vodka base as a spirit is essentially undetectable. However the infusion of peanut butter is VERY prevalent. It hits you up front and lasts the entire sip. The simple syrup they add in there adds the underlying sweetness that really cements this as a good after dinner/dessert drink. I don’t really get any of the orange bitters they say they add on the label. A little citrus centric bitters might add a nice counter, or a bit more brightness to the simple syrup that is underneath the peanut butter flavors.

The finish is heavy on the peanut butter, and it does linger for a little bit on the palate after. Not terribly long, but longer than I would have preferred.

I like this. I’m not one for sweet drinks, but this one I can get behind. Mrs. Sharkbait said it would be good mixed with some vanilla ice cream to make it a “real” dessert. While it wont be the first thing I reach for, I have a feeling I’ll be going through this little bottle sooner than I thought. Also Maestro, keep an eye on the mail. A thank you will be incoming.


(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)


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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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My knee became swollen last night to about cantaloupe size, no idea why, which made me think of Pak Protectors and Larry Niven and I want to know where my Gil Hamilton of Arm movies or Louis Wu series are? Absolutely fucking fantastic stories which really interesting and would look incredible on the screen if done correctly.

Footfall would make an incredible movie as well as Lucifer’s Hammer.


It should have made you think about what may have caused your knee to swell to the size of a melon.


Excessive Exposure to Morgan Moses injury last night… or really any part of that game.


Lucifer’s Hammer has black people in the book as literal cannibals. Didn’t notice it being a tad bit problematic back when I read it 40-some years ago, but it kind of sticks out now. I remembered the cannibals but had forgotten about the Boy Scout scoutmaster hooking up with an actual Girl Scout, and the hippy environmentalists and feminists being shown How Wrong They Were. The sad thing is, I read that book five or six times, at least. Being 16 years old and not black, an environmentalist, or a Girl Scout, I didn’t notice subcontextual stuff like that.

Footfall seems to have much less of that sort of thing, although it might be in there. That’s another book that I read a bunch of times. Fun Fact: Lucifer’s Hammer started out as the parts of Footfall that described the alien’s asteroid strike. Niven and Pournelle decided they had a whole novel for that on it’s own, so they just took the aliens (Fsth’ppt?) out and ran with it.

Oath of Fealty broke me of Niven/Pournelle. “This democracy thing kind of sucks, those Middle Ages folks had the right idea after all.” Pure unalloyed bullshit.

Game Time Decision

I have something similar, and it’s better than expected


Been wanting to try that. Do you mix it with anything?

Game Time Decision


have heard is good in hot chocolate, but haven’t tried it as I’m too lazy to make hot chocolate.

Game Time Decision

oldest wanted to try some with me, but didn’t want to mix it with anything, so had it neat.
Took like 3 sips and was somehow drunk and needed to lie down.
/yes i finished mine and theirs

Don T

Sweet drinks bring on the drunk #science


Oh that does sound good. Next time it’s below 50 here I’ll try that (approx Feb 2027)



Sorry for yelling, but my inner diabetic just got a boner


Couple Friday night footie games on. I hope she’s covering. And wearing something Friday night nice.

Horatio Cornblower

Always nice to start your Friday at the State’s maximum security prison complex and walk in behind a guard toting an AR-15 while listening to multiple doors lock behind you.

Fucking clients.


“They’re not clients, they’re sources.” – Olivia Nuzzi


A bit different than your normal chasing of ambulances, isn’t it?

Don T

My consistent experience:

Guard: You have an hour [sits down]

Me: Can I talk to my client [peers over glasses] pri vate lee?

Guard: 🤨 You have 30 minutes [leaves]


The client pays well? And in cigarettes?


Looking forward to next week’s review of Olde English 800 in a paper bag


Premium Malort – aged in a fire charred dumpster for 72 hours.


There really needs to be a malt liquor comparison post….

Horatio Cornblower

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Game Time Decision

45% of the time, it works every time


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