/takes hand-off from Hippo, wipes pill dust from the ball
Hey, welcome back! It really is a dreary day here as well. With the temps so mild our back roads in the boonies are an intermittent series of skating rinks. But I did my wee errands and now it’s time to hunker down and watch so much ball my eyes bleed.
To The Games!
Miami (Ohio)/Colorado State:
Ah, it’s that other school out west vs the team that has to differentiate itself from the more prominent football program. That Miami always confused the hell out of me when I watched the Central Michigan basketball Chippewas on a PBS channel back in high school. Neither of these teams are ranked and Snoop Dogg is the host.
East Carolina/N.C. State:
The O/U on this tilt is a beastly 59.5! I’m guessing that these defenses can’t defense. That or they have high-powered offenses. I’ll choose the flaw over the more optimistic opinion.
Ladies and gentlemen, your new starting QB for the NY Giants Shedeur “Two Sheds” Sanders! He’ll provide a wonderful transition from Dimes in that he’s been sacked up the ying-yang just like Jones was in college and it’ll continue into the pros.
Louisiana Tech/Army:
One of the other armed services gets the spotlight. (such as it is when the pros are playing at the same time)
Is Cincy’s D going to show up? Why would they this late in the season? Rookie Nix hasn’t thrown an INT in six of his last 9 games and no one fears that secondary. His counterpart would be in the MVP chatter if only his team had a better record. This has the feel of a high-flying game.
Who’da thunk that Arizonny would fade down the stretch except for everyone?
Enjoy the offerings.
We’ve clearly reached the point where we now just describe everyone as a generic celebrity. I’m not a Dr Dre expert by any means but I THINK “successful businessman” and “associated with Pac” do not really ‘further’ this AI story.
Fucking Internet Dan’s linking features….
Not bad. I managed to get queen bee and beat everything else in today’s NYT games in under an hour. I feel like I should celebrate being a giant fucking nerd.
I can’t imagine what a rager that would be…
“I ate half a weed gummy five minutes ago and I’m overdosing.”
/throws video on the ground with a broken cue stick
Spam or RTD, two men enter, one man leaves!!
I fucked her.
/Ms. Hoffs could not be reached for comment
Aw man, I want served on a starship and disobeyed a direrct order type friends
Those are red shirts, and I’m pretty sure we have one of ’em around here somewhere.
Check the couch cushions.
Couch? I’m pretty sure he’s still in low earth orbit.
I’m apparently feeling maudlin, so here’s a 100% true gas station story.
Guy I work with is dating a girl. Shows up off-shift while I’m working, heading to the beach with his gf and a really cute chick who asks if she can use our bathroom, because the bathroom we have for the public is “disgusting.”
Now, one of my jobs was to clean that bathroom and I would actually clean it, but it was a gas station, it was open to the public, and you could clean that as much as possible, (look, some stains just aren’t coming out, OK?), and 15 minutes later there’s a dead hooker in there and there’s only so much I can do, goddammit.
So I let here use our bathroom, because she’s hot and I’m a 17 year-old dork, and she gives me the eye and smile on the way out and I think I’m all hot shit and then I don’t see her again until we run into each other 5 years later in a bar.
And reader?
I married that chick.
That’s a great story!
Was this before, during, or after you “adopted” Lowratio ?
Oh, well before.
You don’t break out “let’s adopt a sex dwarf” on the first date. Everyone knows that.
Well.. right. I thought that’s the kind of thing you had to put on your person, like a Medical Allergy bracelet
Sounds like my ex wife.
I was a gas jockey back in high school. Worked the second shif, 3-11, at at a 24-hour station in my home town. The bosses would clear out by 6. On weekends our friends would show up and hang out, occasionally resulting in parties in the bays, at least one of which involved a keg.
I’m not a huge fan of Journey, but this song always pulls me back to those nights, pulling out folding chairs on August nights and kicking back in front of the station, grudgingly getting up to pump gas.
I worked graveyard at an AM/PM while finishing up my degree.
Spent my time wiping down the pumps, facing the shelves with the cans of tomato soup and shit and restocking dairy.
I had 3 hours of study time before taking the tests and I nailed those tests and subsequently forgot the subject matter seconds later.
and here we are.
Computer science degree with a minor in Management!
Guy that had the 11 pm to 7 am shift put himself through law school doing that. I’d cover the first couple of hours of his shift every now and then when he needed to crash in one of the trucks parked in the bays. Solid guy.
And at 5 AM I made Otis Spunkmeyer cookies and warmed up the hot dog machine and heated up the nacho cheese.
Get those hot dogs warmed up and motherfuckers are eating cheese dogs on my parking lot at 6 in the goddamn morning!
Mostly construction workers.
Goddamn did they throw my ass into management immediately.
40 years of telling people to stop fucking up.
That will mess with a person.
I did hold a 3,4,5,6,8 club flush and won that hand but everybody folded early.
I’m setting up weekly poker nights again!
Trick to poker is getting the absolute best hand at the same time two people have the absolute second and third best hands.
There’s a formula to this, I’m sure of it, but I haven’t figured it out yet.
Eldest granddaughter walks away with the entire pot and drops the mike.
Goddamn, I love this family.
Home again. Pee in the catheter is a disturbing shade of pink, but the urologist seemed to be pretty chill about it. “If you see big clots, it stops running, or turns the color of merlot, give me a call.”
Your Health Care System At Work: while I was waiting to get out of Observation, I took a look at my hospital bill. A few fun items:
– The room was $2900/day. But the food is free!
– I have scripts for T2 diabetes, which is managed. But I had to stop it for a bit; metformin and contrast dye can interact and kill you. So they were checking my blood sugar before every meal, and they decided to give me an insulin shot before a couple of meals. Those insulin shots were billed at $600 _each_! I though Biden fixed that!
_ I have a CPAP machine, because getting old sucks. If I stay in the hospital I bring my own. The charge for the Respiratory Therapist to come look at it and say, “That’s a CPAP machine alright,” is $376/day. And there’s no shame in the billing, it’s something like, “Patient-provided CPAP device accommodation,” with its corresponding ICD10 code.
Another one for Armedandhammered; the surgical staff stuck a sticker on the inside of my thigh that acts to stop you from giving that catheter a good yank. But evidently sticking that sticker on is not a core competency for surgeons, and it came off last night. To put a new one back, at one point I had both PSAs, my scheduled nurse, and the head nurse all trying to put a new one on. Bonus: the head nurse was a pretty girl with a big rack. Come check it out, ladies! All joking aside, if you get into this situation modesty doesn’t enter the picture.
Just look at those bills and try thinking that anyone connected to the healthcare industry shouldn’t be purged.
You clearly weren’t watching FOX about an hour ago! CEOs are better than us normies. They have wealth! And because they have wealth, they CLEARLY earned it more than the rest of us!
/loads shotgun
I respectfully diagree
//blows off own foot
Ah, yes. Well. Nevertheless.
This man is speaking truth!
Warn me first!; I live in HIPAA medical billing land. I tried to get my company to pivot to Internet porn, but they wouldn’t listen.
You can push back on/negotiate down a lot of those prices. Which is only further evidence this whole thing is a fucking scam.
Ran out of plus ones.
I’m insured, it’s just the unmitigated gall of a lot of those charges.
I had to get an emergency umbilical hernia mesh. I was in the hospital for about 52 hours and they billed my insurance over $40,000. My personal charge was $110. I may be underpaid, but the benefits rule.
Pretty and a big rack trump modesty every time.
Anyone else watching Silo on Apple? Dystopian drama set in silos with rudimentary scuba gear?
Fuck and yes.
*needs more (any) nudity, though
That’s Shannon and Doris, at Post 85 in Arlington VA.
This is one of the greatest places to hang out. No politics are allowed to be discussed, and everyone respects everyone else. Plus the music is great.
My monthly poker game is the same, minus Shannon and Doris. Don’t want to be invited back?
Start talking politics.
Damn. I kinda want to do things that aren’t great ideas but also I am not doing those things. Probably for the best as far as henchpeople contract negotiations go.