Substitute Teacher Bonus Cocktail Hour!


Looks like the content mines are a little empty, so here’s a turd I polished something I had in drafts that I finished up really quickly. 

Good morning, boys and girls. Here at DFO, we don’t recommend/encourage morning drinking, but we are happy to share creative ideas for those who wish to partake in it given the way the whole world sucks donkey balls right now.

Now, I know this is Sharky’s thing, and I am not looking to usurp him. But content is content and neither of us is Steve Allen so away we go.

A little while back, Lady BFC was out of town, and I decided to make the Lumiére, inspired by the very creative connoisseurs at the cocktails subreddit:

byu/roi_des_myrmidons incocktails

And who doesn’t need light in these dark times. Plus we can pretend it’s an homage to Macron standing up for Ukraine in the Oval Office this week.

Anyway, back to booze. I may not be as good of a photographer as yeahright or the folks on r/cocktails, but I do my best and then make up for it in the mixology execution.

For my Lumiére I used Castle and Key gin, one of the prettiest bottles in my collection and the only one from Kentucky. Highly recommend y’all visit if you’re ever out on the Bourbon Trail (like most distilleries they started with a clear spirit while they aged their whiskey, and it is all tasty in addition to being in a bucolic setting). And I don’t have St. Germain because I don’t like elderflower enough to pay for the food stuff. Sue me.

Here’s the full complement of ingredients before going into the mixing glass:

Some assembly required

And here’s the finished product:

I need to up my garnish game but yum!

Tasting notes: really strong on the first sip. Mellowed out a little so not sure what that’s about but maybe I should have used a lighter gin. The citrus is balanced, the elderflower isn’t overpowering, in fact I kind of wish I had a little more. Maybe my lime was a little bitter? Either way, this is delicious and I will make it again to tinker, but not likely a mainstay in my rotation.

Alright, get out there and put something positive into the world, whether that’s a drink, a dick joke, or a drug addled insight. Take it sleazy!


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BFC is a Chicago native transplanted to our nation's capital and transplanted again to the mountain West, then to SoCal, then back to the mountain West, and then again back to our nation's capital. He enjoys football, whisky, and the oxford comma.
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Saw this & thought of a certain member of the commentariat:

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Gone Shootin


“Here at DFO, we don’t recommend/encourage morning drinking”

You’re going to start lying this early in the morning???


Today might be opposite day.


I’ve got to let some politics out for a minute. This is from yesterday’s first cabinet meeting. President Musk is doing a Silicon Valley power move, with a logo t-shirt and ball cap in a meeting full of $3000 suits. Trump is sitting there in the corner of the table, which is where I sit in meetings when I want to be left alone. The members of the cabinet, and the President of the United States have those little name tents. “Donald Trump – President”. The VP is off by the door, probably sitting on a folding chair. Eyeliner is looking good, too.


Where’s the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch when you need it?


Five is right out.


Yeah, you definitely want the shrapnel to take out more than just five of them.


Really, you want the blast overpressure to rupture internal organs, the shrapnel is just the angry glitter to top it all off.


going for the Last Stupor


I have a friend of mine who is pedantic too. I sent him this post and he sent me this.


Really Gene? The dog too? You know John Wick will find you.


Oh no, did he do it? I just figured it was carbon monoxide or something.

yeah right

I think when you look at it, it’s kind of beautiful. I’m sure one or the other was sick, the other didn’t want to go on and they chose their own terms.

Could definitely be worse.


Carbon monoxide poisoning seems to the preliminary consensus. No foul play suspected.

Unless you’re Pete Carroll, who is feverishly watching Enemy of the State looking for clues as to what really happened. (spoiler alert: Hackman’s dog knew too much and Gene and his wife were just collateral damage).


Now they are saying its suspicious after finding no obvious leak. All leads point to motive for


Chartreuse before lunch seems a little extreme, but you do you.


Never mind, what am I saying. Go for it. Maybe you, too, can be Secretary of Defense.


So I have all these potatoes that I waited too long to eat that are now sprouting. I’d plant them in the garden but a) there’s a long list of other stuff I’d prefer to grow 2) they’re russet potatoes, which are cheap enough that they aren’t really worth the trouble and iii) I already *have* some yukon gold potatoes growing in the garden. So instead of planting them I am reading about the Irish Potato Famine and feeling guilty about the fact that Luka Donçić is so fat.

Game Time Decision

don’t eat those potatoes, the growing thing makes them bad for us humans to eat.


Yes, green is bad for potatoes.

My mom’s boyfriend had a little house out in the country, and he grew watermelons and potatoes in the yard. It was basically zero effort.


They’re not green (they haven’t been in the sunlight), they just have sprouts. I won’t be eating them though, I have tater tots in the freezer should I get a craving for spuds.


I thought the term for the sprouts was ‘eyes’. Unless the eyes are five or six inches long.


Somewhere in between. About a Favre or so.

BC Dick

Huh. I usually just pop them off. Will reconsider


Sell Homemade Mr Potato Heads on etsy

King Hippo

This reminds me of how badly I want a realty show competition for making “Pruno”


We watched a couple episodes of a cocktail making competetion and it was kinda dumb. At a certain point all the flourishes and infusions and what-have-you are just way too far over the top when a tiny umbrella is really all that’s needed.


[also feels overlooked sometimes] – Lowratio


Guess I’m just a spud boy


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Last edited 5 hours ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly