YES, the portrait of honoUr goes to McNeese, for gifting us the fun story of Day One AND a fine coach-in-waiting for my Wolven Sort. Will Wade preaches "radical transparency/honesty" and I am 100% on board. This is as universally beloved a move as I can recall NC State making
Sexy Friday – 20250321
Request Line: Hoop Dreams
Sharkbaits Cocktail of the Week: Frisco Kid
Basketball Takes Over: An Open Thread
Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Praise
To whom, or Whom? Doesn't particularly matter. Fuck it, Hail Science. Which is to say Padre Weaselo came home Friday afternoon and, minus having to take some time from the strenuous bits of musicianing (people asking for "Piano Man" on request: it's at least a hundred) and also the strenuous bits