Chapter 20
Cease learning the playbook, no more cares
Cheers and Boo’s
They are the same
Elite and bad play
They are the same
What the people fear, I cannot care
There is no limit to all of this
The fans cheer
As if enjoying a great feast
As if going to the playoffs is thier work
I alone am quiet and uncaring
Like an infant not smiling
So weary, like having no team to return to
The players all have rings and accomplisments
While I alone seem lacking
I have the heart of a fool indeed – so disinterested!
Ordinary fans are not bright
Yet I alone am muddled
Ordinary fans are scrutinizing
I alone am obtuse
Such tranquility, like the great lake
Such high wind, as if without limits
The fans all have goals for the team
And I alone do not care for them
I alone am different from them
And value the Tao.
“Ordinary fans are not bright”
Just like the rug; this line brings the whole room together.
Jay Cutler, Jay Cutler, where have you been?
I’ve been to Tampa to check out the scene.
O Catler, O Catler, what did you there?
Smoked Marlboro Reds; what do you care?
No tape, no playbooks,
No more Mr. Coughlin’s dirty looks.
I don’t, I’ll pull Peyton’s underwear.
Seriously, Abby, he’s such a jerkhead. He stole my interception thing this year. That belonged to me and Daddy.
-Elisha, who does not understand the way of the Tao Te Cutler.
God, how I love these. And needed one after watching the Everton loss after work on my DVR. FUCK YOU, TIM HOWARD.
Fox signed a contract
Broadcast the NFC North Title Game
Contracts are shackles
Our 18-loss game will be televised as well
It seems the Steelers took the Tao to heart this weekend…
They have towels to soak up the tears.