It's almost Opening Day, sports fans! OK, so technically there are already two games in the books, because why not spot the Dodgers a two-game lead? I try not to be a Cliche Middle Aged White Guy when it comes to baseball, because 1. Nobody likes C.M.A.W.G., and 2. Traditional Baseball had
Author: The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem
It’s Alright, Ma- I’m Only Bleeding: Tuesday Open Thread
Three Cone Drill? In This Economy?: Tuesday Open Thread
The annual NFL Combine has come and gone, without any major controversies. No freakouts threatening medical personnel. No leaked stories about how poorly Jaxxsxxyon Dart did on MindBrain's latest miracle neuropsychocraniometrical testing regime. No full frontal nudity. Jerry Jones did ask one guy if his mother was still a whore, but he was just
I Would Like To Have Seen Montana: Tuesday Open Thread
One Ping Only, Please: Tuesday Open Thread
Time, Indeed: Tuesday Open Thread
Y'all fucked now. It's gonna be Buffalo and Philadelphia fans in New Orleans, a town second only to Las Vegas in promoting itself as The Home of Excess. Hide your daughters, hide your folding tables, grease up your lightpoles: it's gonna get weird. Seriously. The Bills are succeeding even when they are
Down, Down and Drowned: Tuesday Open Thread
NOTE: Sorry for the abbreviated post. The Young Deacon Mayhem took sick. Playoff Football Fever: Catch It! Then Spend Several Days In Bed, Praying For The Sweet Release of Playoff Football Death! Out of respect for our Bronco fan contingent, I will refrain from excessive celebration of Sunday's comprehensive second-half throatstomping by