INT. RECORDING STUDIO – NIGHT A producer moves around the interior of the booth, showing the basic features to its occupant, a physically perfect specimen of a man. PRODUCER: ...and so mostly everything is controlled from outside, so all you need to worry about is chatting with the callers. Sound good? ADRIAN PETERSON: NO PROBLEM! PRODUCER: Actually, you're
KSK Radio
DFO Radio: Free Agency
Request Line: Free Agency
INT. RECORDING STUDIO – EVENING The radio booth sits empty. A pair of radio professional are chatting casually in the outer office in front of a massive new piece of equipment. CONOR, THE INTERN: when does she get back? PRODUCER: In two weeks. It's been pretty great. I've been letting the animals sleep upstairs,
Request Line: Delusions of Grandeur
INT. RECORDING STUDIO – NIGHT A producer sits outside the recording booth, sipping coffee. A redheaded young man is seated inside the booth. PRODUCER: So I'll count it off, and then you'll be live. I'll feed you a few interview questions to get things started, and then we'll start taking requests. Sound good? —[door
DFO Radio: Outright Thievery
Good morning/afternoon! It's Monday and it's time for DFO Radio, so let's get this show on the...hey, where the hell's the road? DAMNIT, BROCK! It's another rainy day here in Los Angeles, which apparently means God is crying yet again. I guess he heard about what happened in Sweden. I hope everybody
Request Line: Outright Thievery
INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY A pair of radio professionals are standing outside the recording booth sipping coffee. CONNOR, THE INTERN: …but seriously, if there's anything here you actually care about, get it out of sight. PRODUCER: [picks up a gold-plated miniature Peabody Award replica and opens a desk drawer] CONNOR: …mmm, probably better if you
DFO Radio: Normal at Heart
Request Line: Normal at Heart
DFO Radio: Exit Music (For a Season)
Request Line: Exit Music (For a Season)
DFO Insider Radio: Songs That Make You Want To Run Through a Goddamn Brick Wall
INT. DFO PRODUCTION OFFICE - DAY. A pair of sleazy Hollywood producers emerge from an office. The camera follows them in a classic Sorkinesque walk-and-talk. RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: And so after the trailer bombed, Sony tried to push the narrative that everyone who said anything negative about the film was a misogynist... DARKEST TIMELINE ZACH MORRIS: A misogynist? RTD: A