I've said recently (on these very pages!) that Houston is for now my second rooting interest so that's their kiss of death. Sorry, guys. It certainly doesn't help their chances that they're in a "Judas vs. Goliath" matchup with those crabcake-eating Corvids. Oh well, let's take a look at some
That Distracted Thursday Open Thread
I Got Your Wild Card Weekend Denouement Right Here-Your Monday Night Open Thread
Scoregasm Alert! Your Rams/Lions Wildcard Game Open Thread
Wild Card Weekend Boogaloo: Packers/Cowboys Edition
Fetch Your Parkas! Are You Ready For Some Frozen Football?
The Weather Channel tells me that the windchill-aided temperature is going to be -18 in your fairinheight. So bust out your dumb-looking balloon coats and your warmest pantaloons-she's going to be chilly. To The Game! Fins/Chiefs: -TYREEK REVENGE GAME ALERT: You'll hardly hear anything about this. -Frickin' K.C. is playing their 15th straight home
It’s That Time-Your First Playoff Open Thread
That Thursday Open Thread You Were Wondering About
This Was Supposed To Be Another Win. In. Post. And Then The Jags Lost. Open Thread!
I’ll Have Another Round-Another Round of Football!
So Many Games. So Many Scenarios. Your NFL Football Open Thread
It would be exhausting to go through all of them and they've already been covered by some fine folks earlier in the week so I'll try to keep that stuff to a minimum. To The Games! Bucs/Panthers: The game plan should be simple-put in-over-his-head Bryce Young under pressure and watch the turnovers follow.