Good morning all! Happy Easter to those who observe, Happy Passover to those who observe and Happy Zombie Jesus and All Heathen's Feast Day to the rest of us. That doesn't mean we're doing an Easter dinner Sunday Gravy today. Remember the one week delay rule? If you want to drool over an Easter dinner
Sunday Gravy
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Request Line. Bolognese – for Scotchy!
Happy Sunday Everyone! Welcome to another edition of Sunday Gravy, where I, hopefully, engage, encourage and impress with my epicurean talents and tantalizing recipes. Or some such shit. Again, this recipe was via a very solid request from our own Scotchnaut on one of the Saturday morning open threads. He requested, I complied.
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Road Trip – New Mexico!
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: The Annual Irish Spectacular!
Good morning all! Welcome back. As has now become tradition, today I will be bringing you the 4th iteration of Sunday Gravy Saint Patrick's Day dinner. Yep, we've done this fucker before. Remember back? The first episode was the traditional Irish/American Saint Patrick's Day feast. The second year we made a traditional Irish stew. Along
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Blackened Chicken Alfredo. Oh My!
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Request Line! The one where we….uhh. Yeah.
Good morning all! Welcome back. That's quite the sexy, intriguing, "anything-is-possible" image up there isn't it? Isn't it? Try this one on for size instead. A little better? Shit, man! Work with me here. How would one actually approach the concept of recipe writing for...well, "Shit on a Shingle?" I know, right? Somewhere over the past few weeks, forgive
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Flatbreads Part 2. Let’s play Some Jazz!
Good morning all! Welcome back to Sunday Gravy. Today we have part 2 of our venture into the world of homemade flatbreads. Last week we covered the basics to help you get started making your own homemade flatbread. We created a nice basic margherita style flatbread pizza like this. Absolutely delicious and from start
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Perfecting Flatbread – Part 1. The Basics.
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Egg Foo Young and the art of Retro Chinese Food.
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Chicken Ala King. I just had to.
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Season Premier! Chicken Ala King (Hippo)
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: After School Special! The Biggol’ Pre-Superb Owl Chili Post!
Howdy everyone! It's been awhile hasn't it? While all of you have been busy watching the games, gambling maniacally and consuming vats of frosty adult beverages I've been working away in the Sunday Gravy test kitchen in anticipation of another season of Sunday Gravy! This isn't technically the start of the