The Oscars are almost upon us, with all their unpredictability. You don’t need an oracle to tell you what will happen. You don’t even need a film critic. You need someone who sees into the very souls of the Academy voters. You need a Straight White Man.
We’re almost there, guys! Tomorrow night, we’ll find out over the course of four hours bloated with self-congratulation and overwrought pageantry just how wrong every word in every post in this series has been. But tonight, we soldier on. I’ve already talked quite a bit about most of the nominated films in this category, and I hate to repeat myself, so I’ll be deliberately keeping this relatively short. Here are your nominees for Best Cinematography and Best Director.
Carol – There’s not as much motion in Carol as in most of these other nominees, but the shots are well-composed without exception. As good as Carol is for the full two hours, for me so much of it comes back to that last scene. Everything about it has to be perfect and is, including the excruciating slow zoom on Carol’s face as Therese approaches her. Great, great stuff.
The Hateful Eight – Something I’ve read about, which I sort of saw but would never have pinpointed as a matter of cinematography instead of just clever staging, is Tarantino’s insistence on shooting the whole movie on 70mm film in order to get the widest possible view. On a fairly small set like the movie’s roadhouse, it means cinematographer Robert Richardson is shooting most of the room—and often most of the cast—anytime he’s not taking a closeup. It’s a cool effect and one of the things I genuinely liked about a movie I didn’t care much for overall.
Mad Max: Fury Road – All the vast and detailed world-building that George Miller did for Mad Max wouldn’t mean much if you couldn’t see any of it. Miller’s director of photography, John Seale, always seems to know just how to show it all off. A friend has described the result of what happens when “lunatic Australian senior citizens” finally get their hands on cutting-edge cameras. Everything in frame is in constant motion for almost the entire movie, and the camera never loses focus or shakes or seems to be trying to hide anything.
The Revenant – Emmanuel Lubezki can win his third cinematography Oscar in a row this year, and it’s hard to see how anyone can stop him. Lubezki brings the trademark long takes that have distinguished him since, what, at least Children of Men, but The Revenant is just as impressive in the wider, more static shots, showing off the vast wilderness and Hugh Glass’s almost insignificant place in it. The lighting is beautiful and, at Iñárritu’s insistence, 100% natural.
Sicario – Will someone please give Roger Deakins his Oscar already? A thirteenth nomination without one trophy yet to show for it, including the year he was up against himself with No Country for Old Men and The Assasination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. Sicario‘s photography is terrific all the way through, and I noticed two or three shots that I thought were subtly brilliant.
Will Win: The Revenant.
Should Win: Probably still The Revenant, but I’m rooting so hard for Sicario here.
Upset Special: Mad Max: Fury Road.
Adam McKay, The Big Short – To my untrained eye, it seems a lot of Adam McKay’s genius is in what he gets out of his actors. I’ve talked already quite a bit about his love of improvisation, and here he’s used it to bring conversations about mortgages, bonds, and CDOs vibrantly and chaotically to life.
George Miller, Mad Max: Fury Road – George Miller spent 25 years making the absolute perfect action movie. It would be criminal not to give him this award, not even because of the effort he put in, but because the finished product is so incredible and so unlike anything else.
Alejandro González Iñárritu, The Revenant – But Miller will have stiff competition from Iñárritu, who went to frankly stupid lengths to get his own movie made. I said in my first Oscar posts that I’m not inclined to give him extra credit for making his own job more difficult, and I’m still not. But even if you ignore the ongoing myth-making about the challenge of filming this movie, his work really is extraordinary.
Lenny Abrahamson, Room – I’d never seen an Abrahamson movie before Room, though I do remember seeing some promotion for his last movie, Frank. I was most impressed by his evident sense of timing; the movie has a lot of abrupt cuts, especially early on, but they all feel exactly right somehow.
Tom McCarthy, Spotlight – I’ve said once or twice now, I think, that Spotlight‘s pacing is one of the best things it has going for it; it’s spellbinding from start to finish. McCarthy’s the guy who ultimately deserves the credit for that.
Will Win/Should Win: George Miller.
Not Really An Upset Special: Alejandro González Iñárritu, as disappointed as I’d be.
Engineer Otto Man has indeed been rescued and is currently sciencing the shit out of stuff aboard my ship.
In other news, JJFozz did not blow anyone up with his grenade launcher. Except the aliens. He blew them up good.
Temporarily back to a two horse race now, Foxy Footy and Spurs. I would have to say Spurs are a 70/30 favourite.
I read that as Mad Max Furry Road which would have been a great movie.
Me too. ALWAYS.
I prefer a nice landing strip.
Not that I would know who Maleena Morgan is…but I hear tell she wears that well.
I have no idea who you’re referring to.
No, really.
REALLY annoyed that I have to flip between these two very entertaining fixtures.
Loved that cheeky bit of commentary “no yellow for simulation for Louis Van Gaal”
Went to the Reconsider Lounge again last night. Saw a tribute band composed of paleontologists called Panteradactyl.*
*This joke is stolen.
Since this is still open, both Spurs AND Arsenal are bottling it. Foxy Footy rejoices.
My beloved* Arsenal was robbed by a blatant and uncalled handball on the fucking goal line. Should have had a penalty kick to tie and the kid who grabbed the ball should be out of the game.
But since this hurts Stan Kroenke more than me I am OK with it.
*by “beloved” I mean I picked Arsenal at sort of random at the beginning of this season when Hippo started this EPL thing and I needed a team. I have no idea who’s on the team.
/has bad feeling concerning second half
you was right
I’m watching Experimenter, the movie about Stanley Milgram’s experiment at Yale. I love how the response by so many people is to reject his conclusion because of the preexisting consensus that people can’t be capable of this behavior. So it had to be that they were forced to do it, and not because people are slaves to authority.
Should I watch the 30 For 30 on the ’85 Bears on Netflix?
Krusty’s fallen on hard times…
Quite possibly my favorite Simpsons gif ever.
I’d like to add that Cristiano Ronaldo was a goddamn idiot.
My long “nap” has me all off schedule. Gotta go make breakfast at…(checks clock)…3:21am. Sheeesh.
See ya’s in a bit.
One more Heather before breakfast…
I managed to screw up my schedule too. I ended up going to bed at 10:30 this morning. I’ll force myself to bed in a bit, but I feel your pain.
For Seamus, earlier:
…and it’s logical follow-up:
Yay logic!!!!
Yeah, go see The Clarks, though it’s unlikely they’ll play the last two I posted.
Yep…gonna have to try to make it work I think.
It’s annoying that image doesn’t match up with the scene from the quote.
And the youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0rj5bbBNdI
Yeah…a Baltimore boy.
They’re in Raleigh next weekend. Was considering going. Now considering it even more.
Yes. You owe it to yourself to see them. I’ll send you a song list to prep if you want.
Rick Grimes’ new personal theme?
Rear Window (1954) dir. Alfred Hitchcock.
I think what I like most about Heather Graham is that she’s equally believable as classy Hollywood starlet, and back alley skank. That’s not easy….
Grace Kelly in To Catch A Thief dir. by Alfred Hitchcock; 1955.
If any of you motherfuckers tries to rehabilitate Crash this weekend I’m out.
Just watched Zero Dark Thirty for the first time, and, yeah, I concur.
I liked Crash a lot.
Me too. Crash is #1.

Was the 2004 one a remake? It took a………. TURN from the 1994 version.
NSFW even more than most of Zappa….
I’ve seen him three times and he has some of the best musicians. Where I got turned on to Adrian Belew, George Duke, Jean-Luc Ponty, etc.
Agreed. When I first “discovered” him I thought wow this dude’s funny. More I listened, more I thought….This dude is a musical visionary. And funny.
Cuntler HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATES him, violently, irrationally.
Moose has called the ball, for better or worse…
The fuck? Her GOD DAMNED DOG??
Messed up.
Whomever did that deserves to be shot “close to the heart” and bleed for a while.
Looks like it’s just the three of us tonight, gentlemen.
I always loved Zappa.
Off topic (as if there was one), but I really like Heather Graham.

That is all.
Her: Oh, you have a lovely home.
Him: Thanks. Let me show you my pussy chair.