Slumbo Wednesday With Not Weaselo – Substitutes Are The Worst (Except For That Who Song)

Sadly, the usual Wednesday night auteur, Senor Weaselo The Stringplucker, had an emergecy pizzicato party to attend, so you're stuck with the non-union equivalent. Fear not! I shall endeavor to guide us through this Humpiest of Days with a menagerie of mindfarts and wordvomit that should sate even the most

Set It On Fire! Saturday

As you go about your daily activities, don't you get the feeling that your city, state/province, and/or neighboUrhood could use a pretty little fire?  Especially a pretty little fire that grows into an impressive, towering, gorgeoUs inferno?? OK, maybe y'all Californians ought not try this.  But we can all enjoy Lesser Footy! Is