7 gigs in 8 nights has come and gone, and there was much rejoicing for my bank account, especially after the check to the Treasury Department (aka, taxes) cleared. Which was good in that it essentially cleared dead money in that case. Less good in the amount of money, which
Tag: Marble League Rolldown
Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Hey, I Didn’t Burn Apartment Weaselo Down!
Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Your 2022 Marble League Rolldown Breakdown
Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Holiday Rush
Wumbo Wednesday with Weaselo: Your Marble League Rolldown 2022 Preview!
Marble League Rolldown: Event 16, Closing Ceremonies, and Wrap-Up Thoughts
Marble League Rolldown: Marble League Showdown
The rush continues! As mentioned in prior installments the marathon, the non-qualifying teams from the 2020 season compete in a B-league event called the Showdown. 12 teams compete for 8 spots in next year's Marble League Qualifiers, where they will be joined by all the non-auto qualifiers from this year's