Let’s Try This Again: Republican Debates Y’All!

Hey guys, some of you may remember the last Republican debates that we hosted here as an UNMITIGATED disaster.  Well, we’re going to do a little better this time.  Come join us as we listen to:

  • racists
  • morons
  • smart people who say dumb things
  • misogynists
  • anti-union lunatics
  • one lady
  • a full-sized oompa loompa
  • a mob boss caricature
  • a wealthy scion of a terrible family
  • a droopy faced sad sack
  • a thirsty, thirsty man
  • a brillo pad with a head attached to it

and many more sights and sounds.  Come enjoy yourselves with a bunch of pompous, arrogant, anonymous jerks as we make light of the process to elect the leader of the free world!

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Darkest Timeline Zack Morris
DTZM escaped his dark timeline through a wormhole created by Lord Screech, after he destroyed Bayside for never allowing him to mate with Lisa Turtle. Zach now lives a quiet life in St. Louis with his wife, Darkest Timeline Kelly Kapowski. They have no children, but do have the world's cutest dogs.
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They got a lot of forks and knives and they gotta cut something.
Bob Dylan.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

So…. we know that America, rationalism, science, logic, truth, democracy, rhetoric, ethics, morals, etc. lost; other than pandering to the lowest common denominator and the tactic of inciting irrational fear, who won?


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Ann Coulter Verified account
How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?

Senor Weaselo

Oh my god. It’s finally over!


Watched quite a bit of this. Am angry. Am now drinking increasingly. Seriously, these guys and Carly are just the fucking worst of the fucking worst. I hate everything.


Love you guys.


That NRA commercial….is it real? Was that where Coobert’s super pac money went? To fund that comedy sketch?

Senor Weaselo

Anti-Michael Bloomberg commercial? He isn’t even running!

Senor Weaselo

So this has been a shitshow and OH MY GOD COLORS ON THE COMMENTS.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

This blue shade is quit calming………… GODAMNITALLTOHELL!



Marco Rubio needs a swift kick in the crotch. I think he gave me an stroke.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Even Marco Rubio’s mom thinks he’s a terrible candidate.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I think some weird shit went down in that childhood.


That much exposure to Corona will do that, but, not from alcohol poisoning.


Scott Walker talking about how education is a good thing.

/cuts funding to Wisconsin education
//busts teacher unions


+increases to fees to keep tuition down


If Jake Tapper is going to keep giving people the floor every time their name is mentioned, why doesn’t someone just start screaming them out?

Lothar of the Hill People

OK, here’s a real question. Everyone knows Trump has a ridiculous combover. Trump has to know it’s a ridiculous combover. Why does he keep doing it? Does he really think his bald head is somehow worse than the 14 inches of hair he spirals over the bare skin?

I would like to ask him if he’s so delusional about his hair, how can he be trusted to make sane decisions as the leader of a country?


As a republican… I’m tapping out I cant take this any more.

Dick E. Phuck

I think it’s a travesty that this debate isn’t sponsored by viagra.


I agree the editing of those videos was atrocious


There’s always a simple solution to a crime problem along the border:

Lothar of the Hill People

Last year I quit another football (Chicago Bears-centric) blog I followed and commented on when the racist fucktards started going shitweasel about Ebola.

Last year about this time Obama was getting crucified from the Right about the US vulnerability and how Obama should “get tough” with Ebola, etc. Turns out ol’ Barry Sotero did the right thing, so what do the right-wing fucktards have to say about it?

Anyway, I quit that blog because holy hell, even when you agree about football and which team to root for, political idiocy is still idiocy.

I know there are some right-of-center Commentists here, but praise the SpacePope, it’s nice to be around people who view the GOP as the joke it has become.


Remember how #NOBUMMER invaded the great naeshun of TEXAS with his COMMIESOSLISTCOMMIENAZZI Army wuth #JADEHLEM ALEX JONES SAID SO


Took my daughter to see Bernie Saturday. It’ll be her first election. He’s 74 and he looked it, but it’s nice to hear someone talking about the shit that needs to be talked about, even if solutions aren’t apparent, and it was good to see younger folks out and about. They don’t seem to have a lot of fire, but they’re getting out there. Dare I have hope?

Big Black Richard

Hope would be a huge, huge mistake.


Trump and Bush need to bang and just get it over with.


Holy shit how is Ben Carson a thing? He cannot… um string… two? words in…. a…a sentence.


He has a good bootstrap story: grew in poverty in Detroit and ended up a doctor. Plus, he’s black so he affirms the narrative of the “race isn’t a thing” folks who believe personal success is 100% due to personal character.

Defensive Back Mike Wallace

How do you go from being a world famous neurosurgeon, to the poor man’s Herman Cain?

Sill Bimmons

I’m going to be posting photographs of things of beauty so you can click over and soothe your raging rage:


Sill Bimmons

This Clemente Day tribute they’re doing has kicked up every last speck of dust in my house:


Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood
The Maestro

If you plan on taking a drink every time someone mentions the wall, please leave us a way to contact your next-of-kin. Thanks in advance.


Rick Santorum says that exactly how that brave Christian survived Columbine.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Can’t vote up on relies. Up.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Yes I can apparently… now…. even maybe then…. not sure.


Lindsey Graham: “I will nuke the SHIT out of any country just for the hell of it!”


As a native Pennsyltuckian, I sincerely apologize for Rick Santorum.


I’ve taken a shot ever time benghazi was said….I need help.

Damn you Lindsey Graham!